Hi Phil,
Let me tell you, first I agree Beatrice had a good word of advice. However, things are easier said than done. Anxiety plagues a lot, so you're not alone. I am going to talk to you as a guy...I am one lol. You had this for 20 years, so you were probably young, like me, no kids, not married. So that means it puts you in a different category because most have their degrees, marriages, or children before getting hit with w.e (at least one of those). It's hard to date young, now throw this into the vain world of a young man.......then you get dotted sentences as if there are no words to fill in, but blank emotion. I remember Phil, there was a time I was so down, the only thing that touched my face was the cross around my neck. I found I couldn't cry, not because I was unable to, I just couldn't. At first we are scared of the unknown, but then when we forge on, we are tampered with that cross touching the face feeling, and sometimes it seems we are not scared of the unknown but the known. Knowing that you have an injury that won't go away, knowing there is a surgery with a mark. That chain around the neck feeling Phil is depression...pause....depression at its finest! It's depression, but also a sign of struggle and giving up. However, in these moments Phil, is when we learn our true strengths. Not strengths that you can hear, smell, and easily describe. They are intangible (you cannot touch them) silent strengths. They want to be heard, they are screaming, but remember they are silent. And when you're out there and you meet someone who sees your silent strength, keep them, for your strength is no longer silent. It was always strong, but now it has an echoing voice, some people call this their other half, I call it a partner in crime. Hey, I am too crazy, I want someone to share some life with and have fun, and go to jail with me so to speak. I say that because going to a prison where these strengths can't be heard and by yourself is not a good place. These are character-building moments. You probably have a lot of character Phil. Why is this so important? Let me tell you, ever see a hot girl...and girls ever see a hot guy? Then you talk to them, and nothing is there. They are a blank canvas when everyone in the world wants to hear them....but there is nothing behind the looks to hear, so people don't. It's because they don't have those silent strengths or character-building skills, just looks. I notice when I talk to women, they are shocked that I can carry a conversation, and I am not intimidated by anything in that conversation. That is character-building, you probably have a lot of that, and trust me.... women like that. I built 1/3 of my confidence through pain Phil. 1/3....33. What makes me weak and want to put my head down, also gives me confidence? Not a surgery, but what I learned to get up when that down.
Phil, I am writing this before going to bed, it is late my time...I also bled like crazy from a wound and I have no idea lol if I should have gone to the ER, cause it never happened before. However, it stopped and I am fine with the unknown now at times. Before I would have rushed to the ER. Why am I writing this? I went through all that just a few hours ago, and I am writing you. If I am doing that, at this hour, with what just happened...Phil I am sure many will as well. Not just on the internet but in person. Far as women, look at what I wrote above. Don't believe me? My phone just went off a few times as of this writing, guaranteed it was women- or a friend insulting my Cowboys who play the Bears tonight lol- it's the NFL. You know why, I can carry a convo...character building. I cannot tell you when I was younger I was undersized, was made fun of, had low self-esteem...now through this in the mix...boom!
Let me tell you, never be afraid to fail. Never one time I did something and did it right was I afraid to fail. I failed if I was scared to. Whatever I did, I would always fail, I think I have failed at everything I did, but when I did right, eventually would have success. You will have the naysayers, people will tell you, or maybe in your case YOU tell yourself,...you cannot do this or that. Remember you're always going to have some failure, but with certain things (not surgery different story) don't be afraid to. I remember walking into the gym, which used to be a second home. I remember after surgery I could not lift a bar more than 95lbs. I would warm up with 135 like nothing before. Let me tell you, I knew I would fail. So I would walk past the gym and the weights and leave.....because I was afraid to fail. When I got over that 1 1/2 years later, I went back, I knew I would fail, but wasn't afraid to fail. I tried maybe 50 times, many weeks, on bench to get to 135 (a mere warmup set in the past) and I failed. However, on the 51st try, I did it. Then before you know it 200, 225, 250 etc etc. I was told to my face, I could never lift above 50lbs again in my life. I would tell doctors and it was laughable. Why would I want to lift again...when " I am Healthy surgically"....And had a TIA (Minor Stroke) and other side effects. Now I had to find out different ways to lift. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. It took me another 1 1/2 years to come up with a good w/o program to suit my needs. I am not saying break the law, but sometimes you have to think outside the box and break some of your own rules. I had to face that gym demon, the rule I told myself that I couldn't do it. Never be afraid to fail.
You know, I wrote a blog about dating way back, click my profile and read it, I think it is," Dating and actual convo." There was a person I gave advice to in their 40s and they almost broke down crying. Oh btw they were a director of a program, and started asking q's as they faced the unknown. Check it out. I will paraphrase what someone I heard before...." You can never climb the ladder of success with your hand in the pocket." If you ever need workout tips I can help. I will not lie, this topic hit home a little for myself, and I actually went to a support group and didn't realize that people didn't know how to properly train for Mass. Some were so depressed and wanted to lose weight to have a J pouch... no doctor- btw there was a Ph.D and nurse in the room- knew what to tell them. I started talking, now I mssg one person every other day...they are older and married...but they need to lose weight, and I showed them things.. Btw she looked up things for me, like my wrap in the pic- still trying to find it...So again I will repeat," You can never climb the ladder of success with the hand in the pocket." Also, do not be afraid to fail, go out, be the best version of you that you can be. People will always fail, but success comes to those who fail, but are not afraid. Anxiety and depression are a cruel betch that I take out on a few dates every week (metaphor yes you can laugh) but somehow someway, I do not marry or commit to those two....Deep down I know I will have my bad days, but I won't settle the rest of my life with them, I just take them out on a few dates every now and then.
Dcrazy AKA Rick Bitty