Struggling with Hydration and Weight Gain Post-Surgery

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Aug 09, 2015 1:58 pm

3 weeks out. Having trouble balancing. I read you need to drink 8 glasses of liquid. I'm having issues drinking so much and wanting to eat. I need to gain weight desperately. Also I drink at least 2 cups of tea to get me moving and I read you can't count that do I guess I need to drink even more. 2 of those are also Ensure and that fills me up as well. I'm barely keeping my weight stable. 

Also, the more I drink the more liquid the output. and more comes out. It seems like a no win situation. I thought this surgery was suppose to make my life better but it seems all I'm doing is trying to eat, trying to drink. I can't even imagine doing anything other than that at the moment. Constant poo that needs to be emptied and then having to pee from drinking. I was up 3 times last night. 

Feeling overwhelmed right now :(

Aug 10, 2015 2:33 am



Try gatorade or an alternative with electrolytes.  I often make my own with orange juice and sodium. Enriched water additives can also help a lot. It can be challenging to stay hydrated. It seems you've already noticed that output will thicken when you're low on fluids. The opposite is true when you consume more liquid but it is possible to thicken your output based on certain types of foods like rice. Do a google search on how to thicken output. You'll find a ton of helpful information. Oh, and I try to limit fluid and food intake at least a few hours prior to sleeping. I hate waking up with either a full bag or bladder. Keep your head up. It'll get better. 

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ron in mich
Aug 10, 2015 3:29 pm

hi susan i,ve had my ileo. now for 30yrs. and everyone is differant and fluid requirement is differant i go by how my urine looks and i try to keep it at a pale yellow to clear and if its darker yellow i drink more water. stay away from or limit sugary drinks or ones that have high fructose corn syrup. your system is still recovering so your output will tend to be more liquid, it will take time to settle down, as for eating i eat several small meals a day.

Aug 12, 2015 5:15 pm

Oh Susan,

It takes time to get things under control. I don't have an ileo but I can sympathise with you. It has been since 05 for me but it is something I will never forget and is forever.

Please give yourself more time and read throught the many threads here. YOU WILL get it together. Three weeks is barely any time in comparison to what our bodies need to heal.

Do you like smoothies? What about ice cream sodas? Root beer floats put weight on for me fairly quickly. And I must agree about the smaller meals as I still eat this way today.

Hang in there, it WILL happen.

Aug 16, 2015 5:10 am

Hi Susan,

I'm Marsha, and I've had my ileostomy for 50+ years, since I was 15.   It will get better, and you will begin to figure out what foods work for you and what doesn t.   Eating more often, makes you "more active",  but smaller meals are easier to digest, at least at the beginning.  I've found , as many without ostomies have, that digestestion changes as we get older.  I was having severe bouts of dehydration, and realized a few years ago, that drinking milk  and too much dairy doesn't agree with me.   Since I'm also diabetic, I limited fruits and  I stayed away from a lot of whole grain foods, fearful of blockages.   After reducing  meat products ( kidney issues) I found that I could tolerate  grains, & beans and well cooked veggies better than I anticipated.    Without a colon ( large intestine) water absorbtion can be uncertain.   Checking the color of  your urine is one way to monitor if you've consummed  enough fluid .  I gave up reg tea,  carbonated drinks, and I limit the amount of coffee I drink.  I also start the day with 8-16 ounces of water.... Just chug is down, after I brush my teeth, and after breakfast.  That way, I know I get off to a good start.  Give yourself the time you need to figure things out. 

Best wishes





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