gaining weight

Dec 17, 2010 9:49 pm
Hi everyone, had an ileostomy in may 2010 since surgery i have gained quite alot of weight. Anyone else having this problem xx
Dec 18, 2010 1:18 pm
Yes! But she said guiltily, not necessarily due to the ostomy....!

Rach xx
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Past Member
Dec 18, 2010 4:10 pm
Hi Claire, the answer would be a resounding "YES"!

In my defense though I was a 90lb weakling before I had my ileo thanks to Crohn's disease, so I definitely needed to put on the weight (but perhaps not quite so much as I have stacked on now, seem to be a little TOO healthy!).

Basically before the op I never ate, couldn't keep anything down (or in!), and had absolutely no interest in life.

Now (2 years on) I eat just about everything that isn't tied down, am never sick, and even though I no doubt fall into the overweight category, I have never felt so well or healthy or happy to be alive!

If you feel that the extra weight is making you unwell, fair enough, gradual weight loss is the way to go (easier said than done). But if you feel fit and healthy, it is possible (like me) to be a bit cuddly and still be in tip top health.

Cheers and best wishes,

Jo xox

P.S. P'haps wait until the new year, the holiday season aint a good time to start a diet hey!
Dec 18, 2010 7:48 pm
yep, I'm having major trouble trying to keep my weight down, I'm pretty active in that I go to the gym, cycle and walk when time and weather allows. It seems to gather around my waist more than anywhere, perhaps it's just middle age spread? It's difficult to eat healthy foods all the time, eg veg, fruit, salads as the ileostomy doesn't always allow this, ie gurgling, wind etc. So ant tips would be very welcome. x
Dec 19, 2010 9:58 pm

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Dec 21, 2010 12:27 am
hi there, i have also gained quite a bit of weight. with the colostomy and all of the chemo and steroids...i blew up. lol hard to take off too.

you're not alone
weight is hard for me to accept.
but I'm trying to
Dec 22, 2010 2:15 am
i to put on weight due to illeostomy
Dec 23, 2010 11:55 pm
dear Claire
i had a colostonmy in july 2010 i have also put on alot of weight. i think its lack of exersise as i was boxing trainning 5 days a week previously . havent worked up to doing anything since !! just lost my will ...
i feel bad carrying the extra kilos !! i am going to physio now so hope she can get me motivated soon , just have to find something that drives me like boxing did . good luck with your plight hunny ,hope we both find what we need soon . im sure the comming year will be a good one :)
Past Member
Dec 24, 2010 3:35 am
I had my ileo in January 2010 and, for some reason, have been slowly losing weight. I was 225 going into the surgery and I left the hospital at 205. I am down to 191 now. I can eat whatever and I don't overdue anything but I am slowly losing about a pound a month. I get lots of compliments from folks who are unaware of my condition and just day, "Portion Control". WHat might be happening is that I lose tons of fluid.
Dec 24, 2010 1:32 pm
I have welcomed my weight gain, voluptous now and loving it. I'm naturally petite, small boned, so during Crohn's battles my weight actually dropped down to 72 lbs. Now I eat what I want, when I want. Plan to start dancing again & working out as I did befor I got really sick.