Hi there again Octoberborn,
There is one more thing which doctors and surgeons seem to be unaware of concerning the Loop Ileostomy. I've talked about this before on the site but got no feedback about the particular issue. One member on the site explained about the two openings in my stoma with the Loop Ileo...many, many thanks to the wonderful, well-informed lady, nobody in the medical field had ever explained or made me aware of this.
The loop Ileo Stoma has two openings. One goes out the belly to the bag and the other continues down to the anus (usually with a view to reconnecting). Your output will always be very liquid, this is the usual case with an Ileo. While sleeping, the fluid can be sucked into the wrong stoma opening and end up at the anus. This liquid is extremely acidic and will cause major problems with irritation, itching, and pain. I now use little packs of absorbent powder which comes in little sachets about the size of a nickel (or a one Euro coin). I use two of these by putting them into the bag through the end opening in the bag (I use Hollister one piece). These will absorb much of the liquid so that the output is like a thick pudding (YUCK!!! LOL) texture. Since using these absorbent sachets, I get a lot less fluid coming out the butt and so a lot less irritation. This also seems to cut down on the awful feeling of pressure in my entire pelvis and specifically my anal opening. The European brand name is "Absorbagel", I know you can get it in the USA. This also cuts down on odor from the stinky stuff.
I explained all this to my surgeon last week but he sat up and took notice only when I told him that I had seen little pieces of carrot when wiping the usual mucus output from my butt....he actually wrote it in his notes so I know that this was new to him. The appearance of the carrot bits convinced me that the fluid going the wrong way played a big part in my problem. As I say, since using the Absorbagel, I get just very small amounts of fluid which is not causing the horrible feeling of pressure in my butt and pelvis. This combined with the Buscopan/Bentyl has brought the relief that I've achieved.
I don't think that the medical people put all this together and didn't consider it a major problem....well I/we do consider it a major problem. They are looking at the big picture and not the other details (considered unimportant by medical people) which can cause us endless problems and pain. I thought I might offend my surgeon by saying exactly this to him but he is such a nice guy and brilliant surgeon that he took my...almost criticism very well and changed his outlook on this problem, especially the carrot/food particles which appear in the mucus output.
The three things which brought the solution are....Absorbagel, the Buscopan, and "Colifoam" steroid which is applied via a syringe-like plastic tube, inserting as far as you safely can directly into the anus. The Colifoam brings down any swelling just inside and expelling the mucus is much less of a painful experience. I currently cannot use the Colifoam because of thickening scar tissue inside the anus but I apply as much as I can with the tip of my finger, as far inside as is safe, a surgical glove makes it less messy with less risk of further contaminating your insides or scratching with even trimmed fingernails.
What I like best about this solution is that there are no addictive substances, no opioids (Vicodin, etc.) are necessary. My doctors in the past were treating the symptoms, the pain, and not the root cause of the pain.
Sorry for rambling on so long but I wanted to be as clear as possible in my explanation. Result....I don't feel like what's left of my intestines are about to pop out my butt every time I expelled the offending mucus....Yipeee!!!
All the best to you and your family and I hope you get similar results.
PS: I love stew and now I can have it, even the pesky carrots and broccoli!!