So, I have had my colostomy for about 9 months now. I haven't started irrigating yet, but still think I am interested in trying. The main reason is because there is always an odor to me. It is around the wafer... does anyone else experience this? I use the odor drops (m9) and also the Coloplast Brava lubricating, but the odor seems to be around the wafer. It is not terrible, but it is there and it bothers me. I am a little nervous to try irrigation. Also, not sure about the supplies. I ordered the sleeve and tubing with the cone, but my concern is running out of my current supplies while trying to irrigate. I use a 2-piece Coloplast with the adhesive closure, so I am assuming I would have to use a new bag every day... so should I order a two-piece with the capability of snapping the bag back on? I know eventually I will be able to just order the cover (hopefully). Also worried that once you start irrigating, you can't stop. In other words, does your body get used to the enema and then you're constipated if you don't irrigate? If anyone has any friendly advice, I would appreciate it!!