Hi all...I have a 3-month-old colostomy....while I was showering, I noticed that my stoma looked "puffy" .... and then a pretty much empty pouch. Not wanting this to get to the point of a blockage, for the first time in my life, I did the prune juice fix and it worked....very, very, very, very, very, did I mention very?, well. I mixed one-half cup of prune juice with one-half cup of warm water. Things started to errr....."relax" by late in the day and then today....it worked and worked and worked and worked.
Just wanted to share for any of you who might have issues. Again, I have a low colostomy and the stool is usually at an almost normal consistency.
I think the stoppage happened for several reasons...I have not been taking in sufficient vegetables, I was not taking in sufficient fluids, and I took a pain pill twice for some nasty arthritic hip and back pain. I am still experimenting with what vegetables I can tolerate...the only green I can do well with are French-cut green beans, also mushrooms, carrots (my number one favorite), skinless baked potato, skinless sweet potato, and this week I had a WONDERFUL GARDEN TOMATO! Fruits I am doing better with as long as there is no skin...I am now monitoring my fluids - taking in a minimum of 2 liters per day.
I hope what I have shared might help others. You have all been so supportive of me....I came here at my lowest, it was a place I will never return to....and the kindness and concern you folks gave to me...well now it's my turn to help!