Everyone's different, but many people with almost all the autoimmune (inflammatory) conditions (even MDs) are posting that probiotics (good bacteria) have helped many of their symptoms. Inflammation is usually a sign of infection or allergy. Ulcers are caused by bacteria. Many with Crohn's have ulcers throughout their systems. Ulcer is in the name 'UC'. Bad bacteria can get through the gut, into the bloodstream (the same way food nutrients do) and affect other parts of the body. Some GI's are prescribing probiotics to their patients. Some say the more the better.
A healthy adult can have 100 trillion and about 500 types of probiotics. We first receive them from our mothers during a natural birth and from her milk.
Probiotics (good bacteria) help us digest, and may reduce bad bacteria/pathogens (they are 70% of our immune system). Probiotics, as they reduce the bad bacteria, reduce the inflammation. After 10 days on probiotics, I felt as well as I had before all of this started.
Antibiotics, aging, stress, may reduce our natural probiotics. Stress is a major cause of flares and makes many conditions worse.
Without probiotics, we can develop food intolerances and allergies, and may not be able to fight off bad bacteria and pathogens.
Also, previous surgeries often cause scar tissue and adhesions. In the digestive system, this can cause future strictures and obstructions.
They may cause you to lose some weight, so please keep an eye on this and if it happens, try to eat some more if you can, or cut back, or stop taking the probiotics. It is best to start slow and work up to higher amounts...as the bad bacteria are being destroyed, you may feel under the weather. You can open a capsule and pour some of it into yogurt. Yogurt alone does not usually contain enough probiotics. Greek yogurt has less sugar than regular yogurt. Some people rotate brands of probiotics as their bodies get used to a brand after a while. You have to find the right kind and the right amount - a trial and error process. They are sensitive to heat, light, moisture, stomach acids, and chlorine. Try to keep them refrigerated, take them 2 hrs. after food and at least 20 mins before food (I wait as long as I can), and with filtered water.
Please do some searches for your own situation, and for side effects and interactions with other meds. Omega-3's and George's aloe vera juices are also anti-inflammatories. Oils and fats may cause inflammation, especially cooked oils. There are many websites talking about this. I got most of my info from listentoyourgut.com.