Sharp abdominal pains, continuous water filling in ileostomy bag - any advice?

Jan 03, 2017 1:28 pm

This is the second time (roughly about once a month) I get sharp stabbing/burning pains like cramps at the top of my abdomen. I'm sick about once or twice a day and my ileostomy bag fills up continuously with water. I'm usually okay the next day, just weak and tired from where I have lost weight. The same thing happened last month and I lost 8lb in a day, but by the evening I was able to eat again. Has this happened to anyone before? I'm not sure if there is a link with this and my lady month, but I'm 3 days in!


Katerina xx

NJ Bain
Jan 03, 2017 4:03 pm


I wouldn't rule out a link to your monthly visitor. But it would probably be best to speak to a medical professional as a loss of 8 lbs in one day is not normal.

The only time I get watery output is if I eat a danger food like peanuts or popcorn without chewing it up well enough as it can cause an obstruction. Is there a possibility that you ate something that triggered this or could be connected?


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Jan 04, 2017 3:49 pm


Definitely didn't eat anything that would cause upset. All I had was toast and jam that morning and a cup of tea! It only lasted half a day yesterday and I'm fine today. The day I lost 8lb I had sickness and watery output all day, only lasted a day so thought it was a 24hr bug! So strange. I don't eat peanuts or you?

Thanks for a reply x

NJ Bain
Jan 05, 2017 8:49 pm


You're very welcome. Yeah, a stomach bug will do the same thing, causing watery output. It's kind of like when we used to have a colon, and you would get the runs. Except now, your body is just trying to flush the bug out and the output from your stoma is real watery and in excess. Just have to remember to stay hydrated by drinking Gatorade or Pedialyte.

I do eat peanuts and popcorn but in moderation. And I always chew them up very, very well. I've learned the hard way that foods like this can cause an obstruction and create horrible rolling gas pain and stomach cramps if you don't chew them up well enough. I try to mix them up with other foods like Chex Mix or something that will help them digest better. I know I posted the link before for what foods to be aware of but I'll repost it below.

Ostomy food chart

Hopefully, it was just a bug and your body will adjust, and you will no longer have any more episodes like this. Fingers crossed.


Jan 06, 2017 8:17 am

I'm too scared to try nuts and popcorn. I've never had a blockage, so I don't know what to expect!

Is rectal discharge normal? Is there ever a time when it becomes too much or not normal?



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 10, 2017 7:05 pm

My experience is that output can change dramatically day to day or even within a day, often seemingly for no reason. I have had pain/cramping very few times, but it seems to be related to a temporary blockage (as evidenced by a period of no output). Sometimes followed by a burst of watery output, almost like my system is trying to flush it out. I have never had to seek medical care for a blockage, so it seems like my system is able to work it out. If you have a true blockage, definitely seek medical care.

I have also had episodes of volumes of watery output, like a full bag of strictly liquid every 45 minutes, which doctors have told me is due to an intestinal virus that clears up on its own in a couple days. The concern there is dehydration. Drink lots of water, but if you are also vomiting you cannot stay hydrated, so if it lasts any time at all, you need medical help in the form of an IV. Home treatment with Imodium has worked well (take the max dosage), and lately my wife has gotten me onto a probiotic (it's called Align) and that seems to have a positive impact on watery output.

Jan 10, 2017 7:51 pm

I have and still do have lower sharp pains and I have had it checked but no one has an answer. Maybe scar tissue.

Penelope pitstop
Jan 10, 2017 8:07 pm


I just had something similar. Wednesday morning had sharp pain and went to the doctor, by the time I got there the pain had quit. The doctor

could not find anything. Got up Thursday and felt fine until about 4 pm and then it started again and lasted until about 11 pm and hubby said we

are going to the ER. They did a CT scan and said that I had a small intestine blockage. Put me in the hospital on liquids for 3 days. It seemed to

clear up but you have to be careful and make sure you are replenishing your potassium. When you get runny you are losing a lot of potassium out of

your body. First time I have had that and I have had my colostomy since 2004. Good luck and please make them find out what is wrong. Hope this helps in some way.

Take care Penelope Pitstop.

NJ Bain
Jan 10, 2017 8:17 pm


If you still have your rectum intact, rectal discharge is normal. There are a few posts in the forums that talk about this as what's left of your lower intestine/rectum still produces mucus, a natural lubricant if you will to help get fecal matter out, even though waste is no longer taking the same path.

Just do a general search in the forums for "Rectal Discharge" and you'll find the posts. If you need help, let me know and I'll post a link. Hope this helps. Take care!


Jan 10, 2017 8:39 pm

I had a similar experience over the holidays. After I ate, at exactly two hours, I felt full as if I just ate. This continued for several days, then I began having non-stop nausea. No vomiting. Then a lot of fluid loss through the pouch. Had to go in for two liters of IV fluids. Dragged myself through the holiday weekend, and by the 27th was back at the ER for 3 liters. Stomach felt awful, couldn't eat, nauseous. They took blood and cultures but nothing revealed. They determined I had a flu bug. First time with that experience since I had my ileostomy Nov 2015. So now I know what the symptoms are if I have it again.

NJ Bain
Jan 10, 2017 9:09 pm

Yeah....the flu, a stomach bug or food poisoning are the worst. I cannot stress enough for colostomates and especially ileostomates to chew your food VERY WELL. I know sometimes we just wanna woof down that piece of pizza while it's hot or have that second helping of turkey during Thanksgiving.

The more you chew your food, the easier it is for your system to process, your stomach will signal your brain faster when you are actually full instead of overeating, and in the process, you will definitely lose weight, avoid a stomach ache and the dreaded, "OMG I ATE TOO MUCH!!" phrase and feeling.

So take good care of your teeth and remember to chew, chew, chew.


Jan 11, 2017 7:00 am

Wow, Katerina, some of the replies to this seem to really play down what you have gone through. I have a colostomy, and serious changes throw me in the hospital every once in awhile. What you really need to look at is recovery time, and your recovery is fast. Losing 8 lbs in a day is not normal. It's probably water weight but are you replenishing your electrolytes? Do you have a plan for if this happens again but lasts for a few more days? Worried about you!

Jan 11, 2017 8:28 am
Hi everyone.

Thank you for your replies. I didn't think it was too serious to worry about as it only lasts a day. The first time when I lost 8 lb was the worst it's ever been. Last week when it happened, it only lasted a few hours. As soon as I had some plain pasta and lots of water, it eased off. If it happens again, I'll just make sure I drink lots and have plain food! I haven't lost lots of weight again, so I'm guessing the first time was a bug and the second time may have been the same or a tiny blockage!

Thank you for all your help. If it's ever really bad, I will call the docs xxx
Jan 11, 2017 11:12 pm

Blockage - are you eating fibrous or hard foods you shouldn't?

If you get that sharp stabbing pain, how soon after eating is it?

It could be a stomach ulcer if you're vomiting, or an intestinal ulcer.

Does the pain occur 10-15 minutes after eating, or 1-2 hours after eating?

If it's 5-15 minutes, it's a stomach ulcer. If it's 1-2 hours after, it's an intestinal ulcer.

Try eating very alkaline, clean, non-processed foods with no sugar.

Then see 24-48 hours later if you're still getting the sharp pains.

Then eat processed or unhealthy sugary food, then wait and see if you get the pain again.

If you do, it's an ulcer for sure and you know you're going to need a minimum of 6-8 weeks of very clean healing food to repair the mucus and cell wall. Try to get some soursop, a South American fruit.

If it's not that at all and too random, I'd recommend getting an ultrasound on the area. If that doesn't show anything, get an x-ray. It can show a bowel blockage instantly.

Avoid CT scans unless you really have to. They're very dangerous long term. Get a gastroscopy scope. They're quick and can show stomach and intestinal ulcers in the upper small intestine only. There's then a bowel camera, the size of a pill, that you ingest and it takes pictures all the way through your insides to show what's going on.

If none of the above shows what's happening and it's still going on, Chinese medicine and acupuncture may help. You may have a blocked channel causing cramping, stabbing pain, among other issues.

I'm sure there are many more causes for these symptoms, but these are off the top of my head for now.

Jan 12, 2017 2:05 am

Hi Katerina,

I'm Marsha, and I've had my ileostomy for more than 50+ years. So, I've experienced all kinds of intestinal issues. The responses you received covered most of them... but I can add a few that weren't discussed.

I was about 4 years into living with my ileostomy when I started to get very sharp abdominal pains that could go on for hours, and sometimes/often caused loose output. I went to the doctor, but no bug, no infection, no apparent reason. After a few times, I went for the "old fashioned ex-ray, and the doctor/technician couldn't find anything amiss, but did note that I talked fast and swallowed a lot of air... Hmm... He recommended a tranquilizer at the time... valium, and later on switched to an anti-anxiety med... lorazepam. No more "pain" connected to profuse watery output. Seems that I was creating "gas blockages" and had to become more aware of how I spoke...

Like others experience, some foods tend to bind together to create blockages (not just peanuts or popcorn). I've had it from peaches and from other fibrous foods. It takes longer to digest, causing a backup, but all the liquid flows through. I've also lost more than 5 pounds in a day. So I avoid raw, stringy foods like celery, corn, etc. Some nuts are better than others, but I eat those sparingly and knowingly take the risk with popcorn.

My latest bout of watery output was due to developing an intolerance to milk and most milk products. Although I had no pain, I was dehydrating regularly... not knowing what was causing it. My kids are vegans, and when I was visiting them, the diarrhea disappeared (even though I was eating a load of nuts, grains, and veggies). We figured out that it was the milk. No more yogurt, and I switched to almond milk, and only have cheese or ice cream on occasion. When I do, "gurgle gurgle" goes the stomach, + gas, + the runs. Giving up ice cream continues to be the most difficult. I hope this helps.

Best of luck, Marsha

Jan 12, 2017 10:55 pm
Hi Marsha.

Thank you for your reply. The pain is generally when I wake up and I used to get it before the op, usually when I had trapped wind, so now you have said it, maybe it is some gas! I'll keep an eye on it though and thank you so much for sharing your experience.

Jan 12, 2017 11:01 pm
Hi Rosherau.

I wake up with the pain and haven't really noticed it if it's after food and how long after.
I generally eat meat, pasta, rice...nothing that I shouldn't. I don't even have much fruit or veg anymore as I worry about the effect it will have on me! xx