Seeking Pain Relief with an Abscess Post-Surgery and Addiction Recovery

Real conversations you won't get anywhere else.
Jan 06, 2017 11:21 am

I have a very bad abscess near where my rectum and anus were removed. It has been re-opening for three weeks now and the pain is unbearable. There is a lot of blood++ and pus. My problem is this: I am an osteomate that is also in recovery as I was addicted to codeine. I am clean 2 years and live one day at a time. I visited my doc yesterday and I am genuinely in agony........pain scale @ an 8 out of 10. The nurse and doc made me feel like I was faking it just to get pain relief. Im really fed up today and am genuinely in a lot of pain and need an injection. I have not slept in three days. I was refused an ijection yesterday and given Difene which has now caused my Ileostomy bag to constantly fill. My confidence has been shattered overnight......I cried during the night in pain and there were tears of sorrow also. I no longer have the confidence or the courage now even to go to the emergency room as I feel rejected for having a bag and dejected for being an addict in recovery.

I was going to ring my doc this morning and plead for an injection to help me but the thoughts of getting the lecture from her are really off-putting.

I'm fed up, really in pain and no-where to turn, it seems the professionals no longer believe genuine pain.

I remain,


October Born
Jan 06, 2017 11:54 am

Hello Fightingirish,

I am truely sorry you are in such dire straights. I understand what it feels like to have medical professionals dismiss the amount of pain you are actually in. I know you feel uncomfortable with going to the emergency room but I would think that's your best bet. When they see what is happening to you they should understand just how bad your pain is. If you're not feeling you've gotten the kind of care you need at the er you usually would go to, go to a different hospital's er. Must you mention your past addiction? I commend you on your sobriety as I am also a recovering addict and haveĀ been clean for over 20 years. My doctors don't know about my addictive past but I self police myself with pain meds and only take if absolutely necessary and switch to over the counter as soon as possible. I sincerely hope you find the help and releif you need. Don't give up on trying to find someone who will help you, keep fighting until you get what you need. Are you being treated for this abscess so that the source of your pain is eliminated? If you're notĀ being treated properly for that to you're satisfaction then you need to see a new doctor. Good luck and God bless.


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