Hi Bub,
CharK63 here. I had my colostomy reversed in May 2016 and have not fully healed yet. My stoma scar has been leaking ever since then.
I had a CT scan in October which led to incisional hernia repair in November. One week after being released, the whole inch and a half incision scar opened up and began draining, going through bandaging every hour.
It's still draining but starting to close, and I have an appointment on Monday to review the latest CT scan.
The trouble is that I now have another hernia bigger than the last, and I'm afraid they'll see that again and not determine the cause for my stoma getting infected.
I have such serious scar tissue that every procedure takes a long time and creates more scar tissue, and it is more difficult for my surgeon to do and for me to heal.
I have keloid scarring visible from an old surgery, and I wonder if that is the problem. Also, I delivered a 10 lb. 1 oz. baby boy via emergency caesarean 32 years ago and think he's the cause of my problems lol.
I've been trying to stick to a 5 lb weight limit, and in order to do that, it means I virtually do nothing because it's very hard to do. I must be getting somewhat better because now it's becoming hard to sit still and I'm getting restless. That won't help, and it also doesn't help my mental state.
Oh well, woe is me. I will have to go under the knife one more time, and I just hope to get it all resolved.
I don't have much I'm putting off doing while I wait to be well again, just a normal life seems out of reach.
I separated from my husband 12 years ago and had a strong romance with liquor for a while. I lost my license from a seizure, but I'm ready to see what the new repairs, older and wiser me looks like.
As usual, I'm just carrying on here as I didn't exactly see a question in your post.
I will advise you though to watch out in your activities to not strain yourself so you don't get any more hernias. They repair with mesh, and it's not taking too well. I've only had it 2 months, but I have another. And as I said, I've been taking it real easy.
Thanks for letting me vent, and good luck to you.