hi everyone, it has been a while since I posted in here.
Just to recap, I had a panproctocolectomy in September due to colitis and low grade dysplasia cells found in my rectum. However, my colitis has been in remission for 6 years and I just needed the surgery for precaution. I will be having my reversal (j pouch) in may.
I have a continuous problem of the skin around my stoma being red and sore, I saw my stoma nurse and she put it down to being allergic to the Brava mouldable rings I was using. We changed them to the Adapt rings and my skin started to get better after a week, however I quite regularly leak and output seeps under the bag, my skin then gets really irritated again. It's a vicious circle, just as I get my skin to start healing, I leak and I'm back to square one.
Any ideas how I can prevent leaks so often or help the skin heal? I have tried the powder and the cream and none make a difference. My output is normal too. Many thanks xx