Seeking Advice - Stoma Bleeding - Any Tips?

Jun 18, 2017 6:53 pm

Have any of you had bleeding from the stoma?

Jun 18, 2017 8:38 pm

Depends on what kind of bleed you mean. If I'm a little bit rough with cleaning my stoma, it will bleed but nothing too bad. Never had a spouting bleed.

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Jun 19, 2017 1:43 am

I had terrible bleeding after catching it on a door latch. They are sensitive and bleed if irritated. Constant bleeding would be a concern though.

Jun 19, 2017 2:46 am

I bleed sometimes around the stoma and my stomach. It is most likely because I am a bit too aggressive when changing the entire pouching system. I don't want any old residue remaining. The bleeding usually stops within five minutes as long as I don't fuss with the area too much. Take care. LH

Brown eyed girl
Jun 19, 2017 4:42 am

I have had bleeding around the stoma from irritation, but I also have had bleeding come through the stoma if that is what you mean. Several years ago, I passed what looked like red Kool-Aid for several hours. At first, I thought it was something I ate. When things didn't change, I called my nurse practitioner. She seemed concerned, though I wasn't, and suggested I go in and have a blood count done to make sure it wasn't an internal major bleed. Turns out it was a major bleed! I was glad I called her because I didn't feel sick or tired or anything like I did when I was anemic before. The local doctor admitted me to the hospital where I had scopes the next day. A clipped artery was found and fixed. Thought all was over. The next morning, I started to hemorrhage again. Scoped again through stoma. They could find nothing. In the meantime, I had to have a blood transfusion due to blood loss. The next day, I swallowed the 'camera pill' which took thousands of pictures. Still found nothing. After a few days with no more bleeding, I was allowed to eat a soft residue diet. This went fine. I was released a few days after that. This was about 6 years ago, and it has never happened again. Just a freak thing... no idea how the artery was clipped. I hope your situation is more of an irritation issue instead of something crazy like mine!!

Be safe,



Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jun 19, 2017 7:52 am

Hi, I'm Marsha, and I've had my ostomy for more than 50 years. As others have posted, it's not unusual to bleed around the stoma (on the skin) and the stoma itself may get irritated and bleed some if hurt or rubbed too hard. But that tends to heal fairly quickly. If your output has blood in it, or you are "spouting" blood from within the stoma, then you really do need to have it checked out. It could be food blockage or inflammation, but tests or X-rays would determine where the blood is coming from.

Best of luck to you. Marsha

Jun 20, 2017 12:07 am

The bleeding continued for a half day. I called the doctor and he said I should go to the ER.

I waited there over an hour, got impatient and went home. I asked them several times to page my surgeon but was told that the ER doc had to see it first.

When I got home, I checked the stoma and the bleeding had stopped. It was coming from deep inside the stoma. I rested the remaining part of the day and there has been no blood today.

Thank you for your help.


Jun 20, 2017 3:06 am

Hi, I'm sure this is not your case. But I had severe bleeding from the stomach due to liver disease. If you suspect you have liver disease, then I can explain. But you should get it checked out because at the time I didn't know and thought it was an aroma issue, but the colorectal surgeon told me it's abnormal to bleed a lot from the stomach.

Jun 22, 2017 3:52 am

That is so helpful!  Thank you for sharing that!

Brown eyed girl
Jun 24, 2017 5:12 pm

I'm glad I could be of some help. Glad to share experiences, especially when I think they might be helpful!

Have a nice day!

Aug 19, 2018 3:07 pm

I have a permanent colostomy. Lately, as stool comes out, it is followed by bright red blood spots. It seems to occur when I poop often during the day. It stops after gently holding cold wet toilet paper to it. But it will occur again with the next movement. It's never in the stool. I have lots of gas when this occurs.

Also, does anyone poop some days almost all day with a little each time?

Homie With A Stomie NS
Aug 14, 2022 10:53 pm

Hi Maryriceot...are you sure it is bleeding? Did you by chance drink or eat anything red or has red dye in it? It happened to me when I drank a cherry slushie. Lol, thought I was bleeding to death. Turns out the red dye didn't process and came out in the bag, not in urine. Lol...

Be safe.

Tracy (ileostomy mate)