Dealing with Stoma Pain and Skin Irritation After Ileostomy

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Feb 02, 2018 7:46 pm

I had ileostomy surgery in November 2015, and at first I had a lot of pain from leakage under and around the flat-style, one-piece pouch I was using. Since I started using a Coloplast light convex pouch, I've had virtually no leakage pains. However, I still get burning sensations (sometimes pretty bad) in the stoma area. (It often feels as if the stoma itself is burning, but it's probably just the skin around it.)  I use Sween Cream when I change my pouch, and that seems to help. But I don't know what to do when the burning starts between pouch changes. Any suggestions? Is there some product I can put into the end of my pouch and massage up to the stoma? I do that when I use the Coloplast lubricating deodorant product, and it seems to work.

I understand that burning from skin irritation is--unfortunately--pretty common with an ileostomy. What bothers me more is that lately I have felt stabbing or cutting pains (as from a needle or thin knife) in the area. I've also been feeling some pain that feels as if it's coming from the inside. I realize that this sounds very vague; but I wanted to see if any of this sounds familiar to some on this forum. If so, please let me know how you dealt with it. Thanks.

Feb 02, 2018 9:44 pm

You may have to change your flange more often.  I would talk to my dr about the stabbing pain.

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Feb 03, 2018 1:59 pm

Agree on changing your flange and doc talk.  I change mine every 4-5 days

Feb 05, 2018 11:51 pm

I had to change over to the convex bags and they worked perfectly.  Be sure you are not cutting the hole too large.  It sounds to me like there is  skin contacting the acids from the stoma.  Put the measuring tool right tight to the stoma and match that to your hole cut.  Push the stoma into the pouch hole and you should be totally pain free.  If you feel any itch or pain, take the unit off and the skin and I let mine air dry then coat with the wipe - powder - wipe - and bag.  

I have brava powder and use it if there is any skin issue.  Seldom now but before switching over to the new bags I used it often to protect the skin.

It is possible the internal pain bits are adhesions.  You should plan to see a dr or ostomy nurse to be sure nothing else is going on that needs attention.


Good luck!


Mar 04, 2018 1:27 am

I have the same issue since having the revision on Feb 17th 2018.  I called my stoma nurse who told me just to watch it and make sure it doesn't get angry red and hard which would indicate an infection.  Mine is the skin around the stoma as there was some necrotic areas along the outside edge and that is where the stiches are as well.  The nurse thought maybe it was the stiches coming out like they are supposed to and that it is pulling a little.  The last time I changed the skin barrier.  I tossed some stoma powder on the areas that were bothering me.  The pain has really subsided quite a bit now.  It still feels like a burning, stabing pain sometimes but it is getting less now.  Have you tried the stoma powder at all?  If it keeps up, it wouldn't hurt to have the nurse take a look or visit your physician.  It is better to have someone tell you not to worry instead of them telling you that you have an infection.  I will keep you in prayer so as to be relieved from your pain.  Good luck.!


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