Desperate for Ostomy Clip Substitute!

Feb 15, 2018 2:57 am

My friend has a colostomy and the most recent package with her ostomy supplies left out the clips!!! Her daughter called me trying to figure out what to do but I had no clue at all....she said she threw out the old clip when she changed the bag and it's already gone now...does anyone know of a good substitute until she can get another one tomorrow????? Please help!

rac 85020
Feb 15, 2018 3:19 am

It's probably not the best fix, but I've had this problem in the past and I used a rubber band. It's not the best solution, but it does work. You have to make sure it's really, really, really tight on it though, and there's still no guarantee it won't leak, but it's the only thing I can come up with right now. The only other idea that I have is if you go to your local hospital and explain to them what's going on. Some of them have medical supplies on the wards, and maybe they can get you a clip off of the ward there, but chances of that are slim. But you can try it. I hope this helps.

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Feb 15, 2018 4:37 am

Maybe large paper clips? I don't really know as I use a Sensura Mio and they have Velcro closure instead of clips. Good luck


Feb 15, 2018 6:16 am

Hello cynamyngrlx68. An interesting problem you pose. I don't use ordinary bags but I do use two clips to seal my irrigation sleeves (which are basically a very long bag). The ones I use are the the small springy metal paper grabs you can get from any stationers. They are cheap,  light,  have a good, strong grip and I have never had them slip off once they are placed in position. Because I wear the sleeve overnight, I fold it up to make a bag and my clips go on the top, rather than  the bottom but the principle will be the same.

I hope this suggestion helps

Best wishes


Feb 15, 2018 10:49 pm

I use the small 1/2 inch size squeeze paper clips. You can buy these in any drug store or Staples store.

You have to close and fold the pouch opening 2 or 3 times

and then fan fold the pouch ending to fit into the squeeze paper clip.

With a few minutes of practice, it will work like a charm!


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Feb 18, 2018 8:49 pm

Binder clips work.