Living with a Partial Rectum After Ileostomy Surgery

Mar 03, 2018 10:39 pm

When I recently had my revision surgery for my Ileostomy, the doctor told me I was no longer a candadate for being rehooked up.  It is really ok with me so I am not complaining.  I and Maxine are doing just fine together.  My question is this, during my original emergency surgery on 12 July 2017, the doctor left quite a bit of my rectum inside.  He said eventually, I could be rehooked up so he left quite a bit.  Is it necessary to have that removed if I am not going to be hooked up again or will it be ok just left alone?  I don't seem to have any issues with it like discharge and such and really, don't even know it is there.  Can problems arrise from leaving that much inside?  The doctor stated there is about 10 to 12 inches left.  Have any of you had this much left inside?  do you experience any issues?  When I see him again to get the staples out on the 20th, I plan to ask but any information you folks have would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much!

Past Member
Mar 03, 2018 11:17 pm

I had the same situation  In my case my U/C evenuly  spread  through out my colon I was only to happy to have the whole thing remove..

maybe it depends on what you had the surgery for in the first place...

ATB Eddie



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Mar 04, 2018 8:27 am

Hello freedancer. When I discussed this with my surgeon, he told me that it was a major operation with many risks and that he did not advise it unless it was absolutely necessary. As far as I know, there are no problems associated with leving things as they are. However, it is as Eddie says, dependent upon what was wrong in the first place. 

Best wishes


Past Member
Mar 04, 2018 3:53 pm

There's a very small chance with rectum left in you could get cancer in it, so if it's left in it should be scoped every now and then to make sure nothings going on in rectum & anus have been left in for almost 30 years have it scoped yearly now, haven't had any problems with it until recently, had a few bad infections and pain so may need removing in the near future..I would just go with whatever your Dr advises 

Mar 04, 2018 7:22 pm

Thanks for the reply!  Have an awesome day!


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