Hi there.
Firstly thankyou to everyone who replied to my 'danger foods' question. Sorry for the gap in replying things have been hectic.
Since having my ileostomy done I have not passed one drop of mucus. Now I know some people don't but I used to produce loads of the stuff. I had a colonoscopy done but my consultant could only get a very short way in before the pain of him trying was just too much, it was horrendous. I think it may be mucus that has solidified. My abdomen is swollen and doesn't 'crease' when I bend over. It is also worse after a meal. I am due to have an ultrasound scan next week but unless something else is found I am having my colon removed. Has anyone else had this problem. Or has anyone had their colon removed with an ileostomy to deal with waste. My ileostomy is working wonderfully. I am very careful about what I eat and I do puree raw veg and salad to make smoothies.