Ostomy Pouch Issues: Feeling Full, Soreness, and Minimal Output

Jun 16, 2018 4:55 pm

Help, pouch feels full all the time and when I insert my catheter in my stomach I get a dribble and little air, that' it, emptying every hour and stomach is very sore.  This has never happened to me before.  Does anyone know what the problem may be.


Haha just noticed I said sodomy pouch, now that' a laugh

Jun 18, 2018 5:08 am

Hello Stardust. Thanks for your post and sorry to hear you are having problems with your Koch pouch. This operation was discontinued in the UK for some years and has only recently been reintroduced in one hospital. It sounds like a great idea and device for having an internal bag for ileostomies. However, there must have been problems in the past for it to have been dropped from NHS procedures.   If the Koch pouch is not a favourable option for surgeons, then I suspect you are not going to get many replies to your post. Unfortunately, I cannot find any reference to these problems on the net. However, I did find some useful general information and tips on how to care for the condition by simply Googling Koch pouch.

I hope this is helpful

Best wishes


NOTE: You might also get some useful information from past posts under the heading 'Premium Content' - 'J-pouch'.

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