Surgical Error or Expected Colostomy Complication?

Sep 02, 2018 9:08 pm

 I am a double ostomate. Urostomy never a problem. I had the colostomy because radiation produced arectal-vaginal fistula. It started with clear fluid leaking from my vagina —I was concerned but my radiation oncologist did not offer any suggestions until fecal matter started pouring out. Man, I was totally freaked out. The only recommendation was permanent colostomy. I was told the colostomy would completely shut down any vagina discharge. Well it didn’t. I never have fecal matter but I have constant leakage of foul odor gunk—all day every day. No one is addressing this. Has any woman had this happen or was a surgical error made? 

Sep 03, 2018 5:53 am

Hello 2purses. You do not say when the colostomy took place. The 'gunk' you mention could be a 'normal' mucus discharge, which tends to be foul in the early stages and gradually turns to a less smelly clear mucus as the healing process develops. Some people have found suppositories useful and I have used irrigation as a method of clearing this stuff. However, I would have thought that your stoma nurse would have advised you about both the causes and the ways of managing this. If not, then I would be pressing them to discuss it fully with you so that you cantake the management into your own hands. The positive thing is that this particular problem does seem to get better for most people over time. 

Best wishes


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