Hello all,
Since having my colostomy, my stoma has swollen up on three different occasions. This, of course, has been a frightening event for me or dare I say could be for anyone.
Each time the swelling happened, I messaged my surgeon and provided a picture along with my concerns and symptoms. Only once did I have to go in to be examined.
Your stoma could or maybe partially blocked from something you consumed. Here is something you can or may try before seeking medical attention. If your stoma is still red in color and you're still having output.
Sit in a warm bath for 15 to 20 minutes.
Apply a heating pad directly on your abdomen.
Sprinkle a small amount of table sugar directly on the stoma (helps the swelling go down).
Please be advised, this method works for me and your situation or results may be different.
Lastly, to avoid the possibility of this happening to you, "CHEW YOUR FOOD COMPLETELY BEFORE SWALLOWING!"
Hope this helps someone.....
Take care,