Issues with Ostomy Supplies Arriving Damaged from Heat?

Aug 19, 2024 8:10 pm

Is anyone else having issues with their ostomy supplies coming super hot and damaging the supplies?

Aug 19, 2024 9:38 pm

Haven't ever had that happen. Who is the courier that delivers for you? I would go back to them.

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Aug 19, 2024 9:48 pm

When I receive a new shipment, I open the box with moldable rings. It's easy to see if they have suffered heat damage. So far, all supplies have arrived in excellent condition.

Aug 19, 2024 10:09 pm
Reply to Sasquatch

I haven't had these issues for over 2 years until last month. And FedEx is who delivers.

Aug 19, 2024 10:11 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Yeah, that's what I was saying: it's all damaged. The box is so hot, then I open it and everything is hotter than hot, which in turn damaged... I have no idea why all of a sudden they are coming this way. I call and have to fight to get replacements sent. I've called FedEx and talked to the driver.

Wasn't sure if anyone else was having issues like this. It's ridiculous.


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Aug 19, 2024 10:12 pm

Not me. Nope...that sounds real and sucky. 😦

Aug 19, 2024 10:47 pm

Nope, never an issue.

Aug 20, 2024 1:43 am
Reply to Beth22

Mine come from Edgepark. I'm not sure who the shipper is. Supplies always arrive in excellent condition.

Aug 20, 2024 1:49 am

Not yet 😳

Aug 20, 2024 4:07 am

Yikes! I also order mine from Edgepark and have never had that issue. Hopefully, it's the last time you have that happen 🤞

Aug 20, 2024 5:37 am

I leave a spare bag in my truck and in my work bag, which stays in my truck. I've never had an issue with any of it melting, and it gets pretty freaking hot in my truck.

Aug 20, 2024 11:47 am

I know it's happening from FedEx, and it was confirmed when I talked to the FedEx driver. He told me it's sweltering hot in the back of the truck, and that's where it is. 🤦

Aug 20, 2024 2:25 pm
Reply to Beth22

Hi B,

Assuming it's FedEx's fault, which it appears to be, you have to remember that you're not FedEx's customer; your ostomy supply company is. So it's your ostomy supply company's responsibility to hire a delivery company that can get their products to you in good condition. I'd make sure to get on their case, not FedEx's—they're just the middleman in the chain. I've loaded trucks for UPS, and it gets very hot in the back of those trucks. Just be glad you don't live in Arizona!


Morning glory
Aug 20, 2024 4:35 pm

Never had a problem. I hope this is the last time that you will. We don't need that worry.

Aug 20, 2024 9:54 pm

I have contacted everyone to try and get it fixed, FedEx so they leave it in an overly hot spot, Bryham telling them what's going on, and the insurance company which told Bryham they need to put stickers on my box saying it's medical supplies and heat sensitive. Bryham, who I have never had a problem with, isn't doing it, and I have called them 7 times now. And on top of that, I have to deal with holes in my bag, slices in the bag, half the bag ripped, footprints, and skid marks like it was dragged, which I've been dealing with for over a year with Coloplast. I keep trying to get the issue resolved, have to get replacements, talk to supervisors, send pictures and circle the holes, and send them back to them.

Aug 21, 2024 1:06 am
Reply to Beth22

You might want to change where you get your stuff; I've never had issues like that. Mine get ordered through a local pharmacy and they ship it to my door.

Aug 21, 2024 3:55 am
Reply to AlexT

I didn't until the past year, and I have holes in the bag, run-over marks, and all that when it comes directly from Coloplast as well as through my distribution company. I've contacted and talked with Coloplast and supervisors for the past year, sent photos, and sent back the product with the holes circled with a marker. The heat damaged everything, even my deodorant was literally bubbling because it was so hot. This is happening because of FedEx, which I've contacted, talked with the driver, and contacted Bryham constantly. I have tried a couple of different distribution companies before Bryham, and there are no words to say how bad they were. And a local pharmacy isn't an option; they don't carry ostomy supplies, everything else but.

Aug 21, 2024 5:05 am
Reply to Beth22

My local pharmacy doesn't either; they ship it from other places. Mine gets delivered by either UPS or FedEx, I'm not sure which.

Aug 21, 2024 8:03 am

Hi B,

Sounds like you're going through hell... sorry to hear that. Just a thought here... have you tried Amazon? Amazon's new pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. I haven't used them myself, but my neighbor does, and Amazon's delivery is excellent compared to both UPS and FedEx. I think you can just find the products you want on Amazon and check from there to see if your insurance is accepted by clicking on the "Check Insurance Price" tab on that page. Again, just a thought.


Aug 21, 2024 1:39 pm
Reply to w30bob

Hey there,

It sure has been bull crap, and I am the one calling all these different places trying to fix the problems. One, I shouldn't have to, but sadly and unfortunately, like all healthcare, that is the way it is. And two, it's their mess to fix. Lol, but let's face it, nothing would get done if they did it. Amazon is a good thought; the only thing is FedEx or USPS (postal service) are the two that send out deliveries where I live. Neither one knows how to deliver when I order stuff on Amazon. Like during Christmas, I bought some gifts. I caught them trying to shove stuff in the mailbox that wouldn't fit, and they left it half stuck out and damaged, or they leave it in the driveway, or they throw it at the bottom of four stairs because they are too lazy to walk up three more stairs and knock, when I have put on there they must knock on the door and bring it to the porch. If Medical Monks accepted insurance, I would go through them because you have the option of UPS, who I like.

Aug 21, 2024 3:33 pm
Reply to Beth22

Hi B..........all I can say is UGH! What a mess! I was thinking Amazon would be better because they use their own gray delivery vans, but I forgot that's not always the case. One last thing to think about is (at least around here) Amazon has designated pickup points that you can drive to and get your own packages. They send you a code for the lock and only you can get them. If there was a pickup point near you.......maybe within an hour or would be worth the drive if it prevented FedWrex from having to touch it. They're mostly located in supermarkets or big box stores.......and almost always INSIDE, so out of the heat and humidity.........but not sure if there's one near you. Not sure how often you get ostomy supplies, but for me it's every 3 I'd do the drive if it meant getting stuff intact. Probably won't work for ya, but something to consider.

One last thing.............Amazon takes their customer satisfaction very seriously. Back a couple of years now, before Amazon got its own gray delivery vans, they used to use the Post Office to deliver their packages. My neighbor had problems with the mail lady leaving her Amazon packages all over the place, because the mail lady was afraid to drive down the narrow driveway because she couldn't turn around to drive out. So my neighbor called Amazon and complained. Starting the very next day her packages were left only on her front step and a pic was taken to verify every time. If Amazon could get the Post Office to snap to attention..........they could probably do the same for FedEx or UPS. They send a lot of money their way for delivering stuff. You might at the very least contact Amazon and explain your situation and see if they have a better solution than you have now. Would probably be worth the call or the email. I'm also pretty sure if you received goods from Amazon in the condition you're getting your supplies now.......they'd make good on it. And if it happened more than once they'd really be all over it. At least that's been my experience. My house number is 45882 and my neighbor 2 doors down is 45822. For a while the Amazon drivers would get us mixed up and my packages kept showing up at my neighbor's place. I called twice to complain and it's never happened again in the past 4 or so years. So they do fix things. And so you know........I'm not Amazon's biggest fan. They solve a problem when I need things fast, but I have my issues with them in other regards. But I am impressed by their ability to deliver. Just saying.


Aug 21, 2024 4:10 pm

I don't get how one person has nothing but problems and nearly everyone has no issues.

Aug 21, 2024 8:51 pm
Reply to AlexT

Just depends where you live. Personally, I'd like to live so far off the beaten path I couldn't get mail or packages... but that's just me.


Aug 21, 2024 11:57 pm
Reply to w30bob

Me too, but I don't have that option right now. Personally, I think the issue with her supplies is from the company and not the shipper, as, and I'm presuming here, nearly all of us get our stuff shipped to us.

Aug 22, 2024 12:59 am
Reply to AlexT

Great question, Alex... Your guess is as good as mine, but it's happening, and it's getting pretty old too. And yes, it is the shipper; it is FedEx. When Coloplast sends out replacements because of the holes, they use UPS, and they are not hot or damaged. When everything in my order comes hot and damaged, the holes are well from the manufacturer, Coloplast. So, not only do I have the fun pleasure of dealing with one, but two major problems. But I mean, if you would rather change places, I would gladly let you have the wonderful pleasure of this long experience 🙂 then maybe you wouldn't be saying the things you are when you experience it firsthand.

Aug 22, 2024 2:00 am
Reply to Beth22

Lol. I was just trying to figure out how you are basically the only one getting crappy products and crappy shipping issues from separate companies.

Aug 22, 2024 11:43 am

I've never had that issue, Beth, but it has been an incredibly hot summer. 🫠

Aug 22, 2024 1:24 pm
Reply to AlexT

Lol no, that's not what you were doing; you were making assumptions that weren't accurate, especially when I had stated earlier where I have found the issue to be coming from. But since you haven't experienced it, you can't believe it.

Aug 22, 2024 1:51 pm
Reply to Beth22

Beth, is it possible the local pharmacy could get you your stuff? Can't hurt asking if you have a good relationship with the pharmacy.

Maybe the larger stores like Walgreens pharmacy, Rite Aid? Could offer you help.

It really sucks they toss your stuff in a hot van like that. It would drive me over the edge, big time. Sorry you have to deal with this. Mercy.

Aug 22, 2024 2:10 pm
Reply to Beth22

What was I assuming?