Do I need stoma dilation? DIY or see an ENT?

Aug 24, 2019 2:19 am

I am wondering if I need stoma dilation. Is this a DIY or do I need to see an ENT? Thank you for any advice.

Aug 24, 2019 2:27 am

What do you hope to accomplish by dilation? Making the opening wider, larger, won't quiet the stoma. You need to watch the foods you eat. It's gas, or burping, or farting. Very natural thing going on, unless it sounds like a Billy goat.

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Aug 24, 2019 3:41 am

Hi from Baltimore. I don't drink soda or beer. I drink V8 juice. When I eat salad, I get gas. Hope this helps. The more you eat, the more you will fart.

Aug 24, 2019 6:45 am

Hello MOST52.  I'm with Warrior in questioning the reasons why you feel you need stoma dilation. Also, it is probably wise to discuss this with someone who knows about stoma aftercare  which may not be the surgeon but a stoma nurse. However, I am possibly not the best person to be giving this advice as I often  opt for the 'common sense'-DIY approach to managing problems with my stoma. 

I have just re-read the title of this post and realise that you have an ileostomy and problems with gas. Bearing this in mind I have edited out my first reply as it probably would not be of any help in your case. 

I have often thought that if I had an ileostomy (which I don't!) and I was embarrassed by noisy wind, then I would try using stoma plugs for those occasions when it was likely to cause embarrassment. The stoma plugs are quite good at allowing gas to escape without the noise because they are porous yet are firm enough to stop the loose colon walls from 'flapping' ( which is what makes the noise).  They would probably not be much good at preventing liquid output, so I would be using them under the bag.

This is just a thought and it may not be everybody's idea of  a useful idea. However, I am all for experimenting to get the best solutions available to the problems we face.

I hope you get lots of replies from people with ileostomies, who might have found more practical soltions.   

Best wishes


Aug 24, 2019 11:27 am

Good read, Bill. Dunno about what a plug is. I do know there are mufflers available. I agree he should speak to a stoma nurse. He should also note the foods he eats that make gas. Staying away from carbonated drinks will help. Forget beer. That's just asking for trouble. I can't see any reason to dilate. Check out stoma muffler.


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Aug 24, 2019 11:39 am

Thanks everyone for your input. I struggle with gas lately and have had an ileostomy for 20 years and never heard about dilation, plugs, or mufflers. Wow, there's hope.

Aug 24, 2019 1:49 pm

Thank you for the replies. I fully agree diet choices are crucial. I have so many self-imposed restrictions already and have added another one, bananas! What I'm experiencing lately is very loud noises when expelling thick stool. That's why I think my stoma is too narrow and dilation would help. I did research and found a product called Dilastom, which can be used as a DIY approach. I'm going to see if giving up bananas helps. Thank you again, kind people!

Aug 24, 2019 2:11 pm

H..well thick stool could be aaaA

His stupid web site! I was saying maybe you need more fluids to loosen that thick stool? When I drink Carnation Instant Breakfast, talk about shit through a goose! That will clean your pipes for sure. And it's healthy for you too. Still sounds like a gas issue. Good luck.

Aug 26, 2019 1:31 pm

The rule of thumb I was given is that if your output "projects" (squirts like it's under pressure) from your stoma then it's time for a dilation.

Dilation might resolve some of the noise but as others have noted, diet and a sound barrier (in that order) is the way to go.


Aug 26, 2019 4:46 pm

That is an interesting rule of thumb. I never heard of that. I do remember my first few days home after the hospital, it did squirt like it was under pressure. But that has subsided. It was like a water pistol, man. Changing the water was a disgusting task. But again, it all subsided now.

Aug 26, 2019 11:00 pm

Hi friends, my name is Marsha, and I have had my ileostomy for over 50+ years, since I was a child of 15. I was told (adamantly) by my first surgeons never to put anything into my stoma. To my knowledge, my doctor did that to me only once, when we thought I had a blockage (which I did, from poppy seeds). He didn't go "deep" and it's something that I never did by myself. A lot of time has passed, and knowledge about digestion has improved and changed somewhat. When I was younger, I was able to eat almost everything (except raw, hard veggies like carrots or celery) and never had much gas. But in recent years, my stomach rumbles and I fill up with more gas than output. I see quite a few different doctors for different things, and the most helpful advice was to cut back on carbs and sugars, as they cause excess gas. A very liquid output can be a dangerous side effect of dehydration, and it's important to replace as much liquid as you're losing. To date, the most helpful advice is to start taking a good probiotic daily. Gas and very loose stool (that isn't usual) is more a symptom of an imbalance in the gut bacteria. Since I started that a few months ago, the gas and rumbling have diminished, but haven't gone away. The "stoma" is just the opening, as was the anus before surgery. Dilation isn't needed unless there is a surgical problem. The inside "small intestine" is meant to process the food we eat, whether or not one has a colon. A blockage along the route would only be diagnosed by visual, x-ray, ultrasound, or CAT scan, and repaired with surgery. Not dilation. But I'm not a doctor, just been "treated by hundreds". Best regards... Marsha

Aug 28, 2019 1:53 pm

Thank you, Marsha. It felt strange for me to ask a question because like you, I've had my Ileo for a long time, 68 years! I had a recessed stoma back in the 60s and was treated weekly with dilation, plus an injection of some sort next to the stoma. It proved to be a band-aid approach because I had an obstruction a couple years later and had a revision which effectively solved the problem. Through the years, I have experienced the normal stoma noises, like after eating, but nothing embarrassing, except for lately which prompted my post, and for a similar period of excessive noise about 4 years ago which was alleviated by removing two major stress situations from my life. That time I went to a wound care place where the ET dilated to determine if there was blockage, there was none.

This time, no stress, so I'm baffled about the cause and possible remedies, so I reached out to get info. Just because it's been 68 years doesn't make me an expert, so that's why I appreciate this site. As I write this, I'm doing better. I eliminated bananas from my diet, and I cut back on Vit D3, taking it on alternate days rather than daily. The increased D3 was recommended by my primary doctor 2 months ago because of blood test results.

Thank you for your input. I agree with everything you wrote.

Sep 10, 2019 1:07 am

Thank you Most52!

I recently bought Carnation Instant Breakfast as often I am not hungry first thing in the morning, but know that I need something in the morning as I know it will be a long while before a break at work, and I couldn't figure out why I got so loose! Now I know I must be a goose! Good to know! I'll have to think of adding something to prevent it. For now it's in my cupboard. I've stopped using it as I can't risk the leaks at work.

Sep 10, 2019 5:46 pm

Hello Dixie1

I wouldn't drink Carnation Instant Breakfast for the reasons you stated, but let me tell you what I'm doing to solve my problem. I'm taking swigs of Muscle Milk, not a milk item. It's a protein drink and I drink about a half ounce every 3 hours or so. It's expensive but if it helps you do whatever. Thanks for your post!