I left these two comments on a different post:
These are two wonderful recommendations, they sure know their stuff. Culturelle and Align are, as Bob pointed out, the best out there. Culture claims their probiotics are more likely to survive. I am about to switch to Culturelle.
You can get both at Costco at a much reduced price, probably similar to Walmart.
I also take the chewing probio from Costco. Their own Truenature brand, it is wonderful and I pay only 18 dollars for one hundred and eighty chewables.
I have a burning sensation on my left lower abdomen that is very painful and makes digestion also very painful. I have suffered with this for thirty years. Had I found probiotics, this surgery would never have happened. Probiotics would have made all the difference.
I went to a hundred doctors explaining the pain over the years, not one of them recommended it. Even as I suffered severe colon infections, they still did not recommend it. That is to show you how doctors are corporate dispensers of pharmaceutical corporations. Eventually, the infections of my lower abdomen started to affect my colon.
I thought probiotics were a sham, just one more health claim to sell products. Doctors refused to dispense antibiotics for my severe pain when it flared up. Until I landed in the hospital, my digestive system shut down. The doctors argued with me for over two years that antibiotics would not work because it was impossible I had bacteria building in my gut. Until I almost died in the emergency room.
Two hours after taking antibiotics, my digestive system started to work again. The doctors were surprised or shocked to say the least. They are idiots. Their idiocy almost killed me. In a visit after this episode, the nurse recommended I get a treatment done by injecting good bacteria. I have awesome insurance but I will not fly to LA for a year for this. So, she said I should take probiotics. This was a year ago.
I was desperate so I went to Costco and bought Align along with their own brand Truenature chewables. After thirty years of suffering with this horrible condition, the pain stopped a few days after I started taking these supplements. Had I known this thirty years ago, I would still be whole.
I am not sure Align is that effective. I ran out of the Costco chewables for a while on a business trip, and the pain came back even though I was still taking the Align. That made me wonder if Align was really helping me. I went to Costco as soon as I got back, bought the chewables and the pain subsided. I think the chewables are more effective. I will switch to Culturelle because it is cheaper than Align and now that Bob vouched for it, I will try it. It looks quite convincing, their package and description. Was ambivalent but now I will for sure give it a try. I may even try the cheaper brand at Walmart, thanks to Bob for that advice, these things are expensive.
It is hard to believe these things could be so effective for a condition so severe, really hard to believe. I thought for years probiotics were pure bullshit, until they changed my life. I do everything now without pain and eat without pain. So, for anyone out there doubting the power of these silly pills/chewables, I got a story to tell you.
I wanted to leave a comment regarding Bluejay's comment.
He is right, the worst thing you can do is take antibiotics. Due to a good contract, I moved to South Texas years ago. I lived in one of these dystopian cities in that area. The health system is and was terrible, terrible doctors, even though I had great insurance.
In one of my lower abdomen flare-ups, a nurse in one of these terrible hospitals recommended I take Cipro. Cipro is as close as you are going to get to chemotherapy. Doctors do not like prescribing it because this antibiotic basically kills everything in its path, kills the good along with the bad, scorch-earth treatment.
Since that day, every time I had a flare-up which got to be almost constant, the doctors there had no problems prescribing it. I was not aware of how potentially lethal taking antibiotics was, and especially Cipro being a very potent but destructive antibiotic.
After the ostomy surgery, the flare-ups got masked by all kinds of adverse conditions that came with the surgery.
When I got back to Seattle, the doctors at the prestigious UWA medical center were horrified I had been prescribed these antibiotics for so many years, they were dumbfounded and almost incredulous. They were so shocked they got my records from Texas to find out, and sure enough, doctors there had prescribed Cipro indiscriminately for years.
The doctors could not say due to legal reasons, but their faces said it all, shock. They could not say Cipro cost me this condition. A brave nurse could not hold her shock and sense of discomfort knowing this, that in one visit, with an upset face told me that Cipro is why I have an ostomy.
In Seattle, however, they refused to give me Cipro arguing there was no way I was producing bad bacteria. The flare-ups continued, the surgery did not do anything to alleviate it. In other words, the surgery did not fix anything.
After a very serious visit to the ER, the doctor here relented and gave me Cipro, I was in pretty bad shape. It worked. But then they advised me on probiotics saying, rightly so, that taking Cipro was not healthy and could lead to even more problems.
Probiotics worked and now I lead a wonderful life. The point is that if the doctors had tried to find out why I was having this pain to begin with, and had they cared to advise me on natural alternatives instead of giving me such dangerous medicine, I would be without a stoma now.
Medicine works until you have a condition that they cannot find in their books. As long as you have something they have studied, you are fine. The moment you have something they do not know, watch out. To this day, they do not know why I have this pain in my abdomen, why I am producing negative bacteria. What I know is that probiotics cure me on a daily basis and allow me to lead a positive life.
I have lost much faith in the medical industry, to say the least. Their ignorance, which is very large, and their refusal to discuss alternative treatments, organic, wholesome such as probiotic and their insane tendency to think very narrowly and interpret everything so narrowly makes the profession suffer from negligence and shows how indentured they are to corporate pharmaceuticals.