Orange Consumption and Ileostomy Issues?

Apr 23, 2020 4:32 am

Hey all

I don't usually buy oranges... bought a bag of delicious oranges... peeled a couple and enjoyed them, chewing them carefully... next day peeled a couple more... then it started... the abdominal pains along with waves of nausea. I'm praying that this is not the start of another partial blockage... I used a heating pad, massaged the stoma area, drank Gatorade, water, hot tea, and kept praying... after a couple of miserable days, the vomiting started... yuck! The thought of going to the hospital scared the hell out of me... it took four days of misery before it finally cleared up... I Dr. Googled oranges with ileostomy and sure enough, orange pith was on the list of do not eats... who would have thought eating healthy oranges would cause this... my ileostomy is 20 plus years old, so not because it's new... I do have a lot of scar tissue though... has anyone else with an ileostomy had problems with oranges?

Stay safe everyone


Apr 23, 2020 5:34 am

Hi Ange, I am sorry you are having so much trouble. I hope it passes soon. I don't understand why food will not pass through with a ileostomy when it passed through before the surgery. I know there is not much intestine left. Does the surgery cause the small intestine to get smaller?

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Past Member
Apr 23, 2020 5:52 am

Hi Ange,

Sorry to hear that. I feel for you going through this. Yeah, I understand the feelings about doctors and hospitals. Please update us, would you? Mountain.

Apr 23, 2020 8:13 am

Hello Ange.
I am sorry to hear that you had this negative reaction to oranges. I can empathise with this situation as I also react badly to any citrus fruit. Unfortunately, most advice on this subject hail the benefits of eating fruit such as this because for most people the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.
I have trawled through the internet to see if I could find out why I react badly to citrus fruit and the only references I can find are copied below:

                     What are the negative effects of citric acid?
Serious side effects of citric acid and sodium citrate include muscle twitching or cramps, swelling or weight gain, weakness, mood changes, rapid and shallow breathing, fast heart rate, restless feeling, black or bloody stools, severe diarrhoea, or seizure (convulsions).

As a citrus fruit, the orange is acidic, with pH levels ranging from 2.9 to 4.0.

Whenever I eat anything which reacts badly with my gut, (or if I have acid reflux) I take Metamucil, which tends to have the effect of encapsulating it all in a softish (wallpaper-paste) like consistency and passing it without too much hassle.

I hope this information is useful to you for any future problems.
Best wishes

Apr 23, 2020 10:01 am

They are packed with vitamin C and phytonutrients that help the immune system, so, you were not wrong in having them as you did not know the reaction they might have. Doctors and hospitals bring on the nightmares in me too. During one stay, when told I could go home, I walked out with my attendant in their slippers leaving my shoes and other things behind. Glad you are feeling better. Best wishes.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Apr 23, 2020 12:01 pm

Hi Ange, glad you're doing better!

Apr 23, 2020 12:03 pm

Hello there

The fiber in oranges, apples, and mangos will bulk up inside me and slow the whole process down, almost like a big ball of string, but don't cause major problems for me.

I just don't eat any of them after mid-afternoon anymore.


ron in mich
Apr 23, 2020 1:25 pm

Hi Ange, yes I have the same issue with them. Also, pineapple. But I found if I have a craving for citrus, I get a can of mandarin oranges. I also get canned peaches and pears. Sorry you found out the hard way.

Past Member
Apr 23, 2020 2:07 pm

Oh wow! Your reaction is scary; I can see why you're worried about eating them. Do you have the same reaction if you drink pulp-free orange juice? What if you cut sections out of the orange to avoid ingesting any pith at all? Like how you would cut a grapefruit. - Would that be OK? Glad you're feeling better now.

Past Member
Apr 23, 2020 2:31 pm

I can eat them without any problems but have been told once or twice by doctors and nurses I have a cast iron stomach! If you have a juicer, put them through there, just drink the juice. It's not the same as eating, but you still get the vitamins from them you need.

Morning glory
Apr 23, 2020 5:49 pm

Hi Angie,

I have an ileostomy too. I can't eat oranges either. I have trouble with all fruits with the exception of apples. I know there are many here on this site that say they can eat anything. I hope you're feeling much better now. Stick with the juices.

Apr 24, 2020 12:55 am

Hi lovely nbsp

I don't really know... maybe it's because of all the scar tissue.


Apr 24, 2020 1:15 am

Hi all

Thank you so much for your help and advice. I continued with liquids for a couple more days. Today I felt hungry so I had scrambled eggs with toast. I'm going to stick with juices from now on. Better safe than sorry. Thanks again.

Be safe


Apr 24, 2020 1:49 am

Hey Brit

I still eat citrus. I chew the heck out of it until all that's left is a wad of stringy stuff and spit it out. I do the same for grapefruit.

Apr 24, 2020 4:21 am

Hi New York 

Yes, I should have spat out the pithy stringy stuff... learned the hard way... again! 

Jun 18, 2020 8:30 pm

Hi Freedancer here. Yep, oranges, grapefruit etc. any of that stuff is unfortunately a problem. I read where if you want to have them you can chew them really well and spit out the pith. That way you can get the flavor without the blockage. Also, I purchase the canned mandarin oranges and they are soft enough without the pith to completely eat. I was really missing apples but realized I could peel them or buy the already peeled and cut up ones and eat them with peanut butter. Hope you are better. Two things I really miss are coconut and pineapple which are a real no-no!! Take care!!