Stopped up .. HELP...

Feb 24, 2010 8:32 pm
I have had my stoma since last May. Never have had any real trouble till today. It worked last night but today I am bloated and feel bad.  Sick to my stomach, crampy, and a little bit of chills. What can I do? Dont want to go to the ER...unless all else fails. Any suggestions?

Jeanie in Georgia
Feb 24, 2010 8:42 pm
Water and massage your belly,, does your belly feel hard up near the Stoma?? keep massaging and if the pain gets too much go to the hospital.
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Feb 24, 2010 8:47 pm
Thanks I will try that when I get home. One more longggg hour. I feel like I need to throw up,or would feel better. Guess there is no room for my lunch to go so it is still there. The pain is bearable, HATE hospitals. Thanks..Jeanie
Feb 24, 2010 8:50 pm
Try to relax your tummy the best you can and I agree totally with the massage ...take a relaxing hot bath for a bit....don't eat anything else right now but drink water...if you're not better in an hour or so or the pain gets too bad please go in to the ER dear, they can help you...don't let yourself be miserable...let us know how you're doing!

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Feb 24, 2010 9:19 pm
Thanks I will do that.  Never had this happen before. I hurt my back yesterday so I have pain all the way thru me! I just wish the dam would break. Appreciate you guys answering me, it was a panic. My bag leaked at 3AM today so I am sleep deprived, hurt back, and now cramped up. Whoa is me! Thanks again..Jeanie

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Feb 25, 2010 1:11 am

I had two Bowel blockages ,one at the end of last year spent Christmas in hospital, the next i spent new years eve in hospital ,,,

Bowel blockage was so painfull,,was on morpheen both times for days till things got moving again,,,

Only a couple of weeks ago i could feel it happening again,,threw breaky up,, pain started again, but i just got  glasses of warm water and sipped it all morning slowly ,, missed lunch by dinner time pain was gone and i started feeling much better and had small dinner, everything start moving again, i was very releaved not to go back to hospital.
Feb 25, 2010 2:12 am
YOu should not wait till you are throwing up but throwing up does alleviate the buildup of gasses in the intestines if stuff comes up.......You should NOT  NOT  wait too long as it could become dangerous to your health ...........You dont want to rupture any intestines...........You will in time get to know your limits.  but until you get a few blockages under your belt (  and i dont wish for that,  but i have had 4 in 4 years due to my love for all  types of food)you can not know just how far to go with the pain.........I hope you are doing better..............Get well and Stay well  Michael...........Keep me informed:)
Feb 25, 2010 1:11 pm
Thanks for the advice. I am going to try it today. My bowels moved a little bit during the night, not enough I dont think. If they dont work every day I get in a panic. I had a little breakfast this AM but will start swigging the water during the day. I will skip lunch if nothing else comes out, only room for so much! Thanks again..Jeanie
Feb 25, 2010 1:18 pm
Good morning, thanks for the advice. I feel better today, no cramps. Or at least bad ones. I am going to drink the warm water and see what happens. I cant take anything for it cause it only goes out my fistula. When it is draining (and it is) I know something isnt right. Man I really hate this but it will pass. Thanks Steve....Jeanie
Feb 25, 2010 3:24 pm
You are passing wind aren't you?
Feb 25, 2010 3:31 pm
Last night I was, plus there was a small bit it kicked out, kinda solid. I have been drinking warm tea thinking that might help me.Before the surgery my body functions didnt create this much attention

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. HA. I guess I know WHO is in control now. Jeanie