Struggling to Get Medical Supplies Without Insurance Approval

Apr 20, 2021 10:04 pm

Somehow, I ran totally out of wafers! I have everything else, of course. I called to order several boxes. I was told my doctor didn't participate with Medicare. I said, I'll pay cash, just send the wafers. No, they won't if your doc isn't associated with your insurance. I told them I don't have a colon, am willing to pay cash for what I need, please send ASAP, and they won't! It seems like the insurance companies have too much power. I gave them the names of all my doctors and still they won't send the supplies I am willing to pay for. I never thought something like this could happen! Believe me, I'll have a lifetime of supplies, so this will never happen again, if I ever get them. Oh, yes, my doctor is a state licensed medical doctor, so what is the big deal? Be very careful not to run out of crucial supplies! This is unbelievable. I wouldn't order the supply if I didn't need it, and why do they care, don't they want a cash sale? Beware!

Apr 20, 2021 10:18 pm

Another good reason to be a part of a local ostomy support group: those peeps always have your back or front, which gets confusing with an ostomy. for your local group 🤩

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Apr 20, 2021 11:44 pm

I buy all my own supplies on eBay. If you have PayPal, you can buy them, pay online, and they will ship them the same day if you prefer.

Earth Angel
Apr 20, 2021 11:49 pm

Hi Joanmarie,

Maybe if you let us know your wafer size, people can donate some to you if they have the right size? Just a thought. It can get you through until you get situated. Let us know. I'm happy to help if I can and am sure others will as well. Good luck 🍀

Apr 21, 2021 12:01 am

You can also ask for free samples from some of the companies. How were you getting them before, and what company? Maybe try a different company. Best wishes and stay safe.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 21, 2021 1:31 am

Thanks for all the comments. Lisa at Byram Healthcare asked me why I just didn't keep using the same wafer and needed a box of 10? Ha! She knows nothing about the products they sell. If I could use the same wafer, don't you think I would? They still wouldn't ship me the item, even though I wanted to pay cash. Some real wrinkles in the system. Or, couldn't I just get a wafer from my doctor? Gee, I wish it were that simple. Gotta laugh, or I'd cry for sure!


Apr 22, 2021 12:30 pm

What products do you use? I use Convetec 413161 and have a lot of them I would be glad to share.

Apr 22, 2021 7:08 pm

Supposed to receive them by 8 PM tonight. Thanks.

Apr 22, 2021 10:44 pm

So, where did you source them from, Joan?


May 04, 2021 5:59 pm

Byram Healthcare finally came through.

May 04, 2021 6:11 pm

I would certainly hoard supplies in the future! I do as well and give a lot away. Cannot even imagine not having what I need!
Glad it worked out for you!


May 04, 2021 11:46 pm

I am glad you got things straight. Like Pup, I try to keep a box or two ahead. Best wishes and stay safe.