Unexpected Closure During Colonoscopy - Anyone Else?

May 09, 2021 12:45 pm

Has anyone ever had this situation?  I prepped for a colonoscopy and during the procedure, my doctor discovered my colostomy stoma and colon had completely closed up. He had to get a pediatric scope and even that would not go all the way to check for polyps. Weird, huh?!  

May 09, 2021 1:06 pm

Hi Yancey,

  I'm thinking there has to be more to the story.  Intestines don't just 'close up', so I'm guessing you either had inflammation, a stricture, twisted bowel, etc.  With the first two they can dialate with air or balloon, as they do in a colonoscopy to expand the bowel for viewing.......so was that attempted in your case?  If it's twisted you're kinda screwed.  The way you mention it "closing up" without any other concern by the Doc or yourself would indicate you're not experiencing any issues with output....so yeah.......weird!  




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May 09, 2021 1:41 pm

After 4 days it completely reversed itself. No problems that you brought up. It was sooo strange!

May 09, 2021 1:53 pm

Hello Yancy.
My stoma closed up a few years back, but with some digital exploration and experimentation I figured it to be either a peristomal hernia or some sort of stricture. Either way, it had a similar effect to that of an anal sphincter closing over - which is one of the reasons for my present colostomy.
At first it was overly concerning because I was irrigating with a cone and the water simply splashed back out with none entering the stoma at all.
After realising that I could get passed the obstruction with my finger by simply applying constant moderate pressure over time (a few minutes), which gave the muscles enough time to relax. Once my finger was passed the obstruction it seemed obvious that the problem was with the muscles that are involved with peristalsis. It was most enlightening to feel how powerful this effect was. However, after a noticeably short period, the muscles relaxed, and I could once again gain access beyond the blockage.

Two things helped:
Firstly, I started using stoma plugs to keep the passage open for as long as possible during the day, in the hope that it might ‘train’ the muscles to relax a bit more.
Secondly, I made an irrigation device based on an anal irrigation technique involving a tube which went passed the obstruction by about 8-9 inches, plus, I used pressurised water for the colonic irrigation.

These two procedures have enabled me to continue irrigation and not worry too much about the obstruction.
If I ever need to have an investigative colonoscopy, then I would insist on doing the preliminary accessing of the stoma myself because the blockage is still there and could well pose a dangerous problem for me, if anyone who does not know how to handle the situation thinks that it will be a straightforward procedure (I include medics in my judgement of those who do not know my stoma like I do!).
I have never been an evangelical advocate for some of the more dangerous procedures that I inflict upon myself, so take this as a warning that irrigation with a tube is not recommended for the faint-hearted or for those who do not know when to stop or when to proceed, as procedures such as this ‘can’ lead to ruptured colons for the unwary.
Best wishes

May 10, 2021 1:53 pm

Funny thing is, in the 22 years I've had my colostomy I've never had any problems. My doc said he's never seen anything like it. Still no problems. It was due to the prep. Never had a problem with it before but this time right before the procedure I was throwing up green, like a blockage. Doc said it was so tight the balloon wouldn't even stretch it!!  


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