Hi Noodle, I see you have already gotten lots of good advice here and on the VO site. I would just add that what I have discovered as an ileostomate is that I can pretty much eat what I want, BUT eating slowly and chewing food really well, and drinking lots of water or other fluids to wash it all down, is really important for me anyway. So, some of these things you think you can't eat may well be possible for you, give them another try, cautiously, slowly, small amounts at a time. As far as keeping it healthy, there is no reason you can't eat lots of fruits and vegetables. If you are a meat eater, think more about the way you are preparing the food, i.e., baked chicken instead of deep-fried. Good fats, olive, avocado, grapeseed oil, etc., are fine. Sugar is the real demon and a good thing to limit as much as possible, as hard as that is with nearly everything having added sugar these days. In short, a healthy diet is a healthy diet, whether you are an ostomate or not. If you are trying a new diet and feel like you are depriving yourself, you most likely won't stick to it, so reward yourself occasionally. Eat that donut or whatever other naughty food does it for you, and don't feel guilty. I wasn't clear from your post whether weight loss was part of your plan, but if it's not, disregard this last bit! Good luck!