Desperate for Colostomy Supplies in Albuquerque, NM

Real conversations you won't get anywhere else.
Sep 18, 2021 5:27 am

Hi everyone, I came across this beautiful little corner of the internet while searching tirelessly for a way to get colostomy supplies for my boyfriend, and had gotten so desperate that I was searching if it was possible to somehow make homemade bags, and if so, how, and now here I am...

My boyfriend has a colostomy after surviving a gunshot to the stomach about 6 months ago. At the time he was homeless and unemployed, and was released right back to the streets with really no information or support of any kind. Being on Medicaid, they only allow him to order 1 box per month and it never lasts the full month. We recently have found a place to live, but unfortunately, we are both still unemployed with no active income.

I am trying all I can to learn about how I can help in any way possible and desperately looking for any sort of charities that may help with supplies or anyone that may have extra supplies. We live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I've found little to no active resources here. If anyone can point me in a direction that could help, or if anyone would be willing to send supplies, I will forever be grateful.

Thank you so much for your time reading this.

Thank you again and God bless

Sep 18, 2021 5:58 am

Hi, Bree - and welcome to you and your boyfriend!

Your first option for quick response?... Find out if there's a UOAA support group chapter in Albuquerque or nearby. Reach out to them and their membership for support resources. If a local hospital's outpatient wound care center/clinic has WOCNs (wound ostomy care nurses), they could also be helpful.

The Friends of Ostomates Worldwide ( has resources and supplies that you may be able to procure, and if I remember correctly, they have a Facebook page and are also on Instagram.

Also reach out to ostomy supply manufacturers like Hollister and Convatec; these and other companies offer free samples of ostomy supplies.

Along with, check out - great info and tips for living a better life with an ostomy!

Wishing you both the best! Check back in when you can and let us all know how things are going.


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Sep 18, 2021 10:50 am
Reply to Lily17

Thank you very much for your reply! During my research, it showed that I could call 2-1-1 and could get supplies that way, but when I called, I was basically run around in circles being told to call here, then there, and then back here, etc. And after half a day spent making all those calls round and round, I was quite dizzy (Ba-dum-tiss! Haha, dizzy, get it?). But having no more answers than I had when I started, I was frustrated and felt I was going absolutely nowhere, so I had to call it a day on that mission.

Albuquerque is not known for being the friendliest of cities, definitely not the most helpful in any aspect. My boyfriend has gone to 3 different hospitals (on separate occasions) when he was absolutely out of all other options and, like he is now, completely out of supplies, and after sitting in their ER anywhere from 3 to 8 hours, he has been turned away with no help. Upon calling his physician for help, we've been told that they can give him information at his next appointment, which we scheduled at the end of July for him to be seen, but the soonest available appointment wasn't until mid-October.

I've been digging so many tunnels just to ultimately hit brick walls, only 1 time have I kept digging until I saw light, and that was the time when we found a local lady who helped ostomates with supplies completely free of charge. Such a wonderful woman, sweet as can be! Unfortunately, she does it all out of her own pocket (an absolute angel, I'm telling you) and at this time she's out of supplies and, because of our dear friend Covid, is currently unable to continue helping until she can get donations or can afford it again.

There are medical supply warehouses here that have storefronts you can go to, but you can't purchase anything without a prescription, and his prescription shows as filled after he gets his monthly box that Medicaid pays for. It's a ridiculous system, I can't believe you have to have a prescription for ostomy supplies! I don't know of anyone doing anything malicious with them, nor are the kids using them to get high, so what's the big deal about having a prescription? I would think that simply showing that you have one would be sufficient enough, but what do I know.

Sep 18, 2021 11:01 am

I forgot to mention that I was able to order some sample supplies for him, but unfortunately at this juncture we are in dire need of emergency supplies. It's almost 5am here and I'm crafting with Ziploc bags, tape, cardboard from a 12-pack of cokes, and still trying to figure out how exactly my creation will be able to adhere to him with any sort of real hold. He has soiled all of his clothes over the last 48 hours trying to somehow get his last bag to hold on to him and stay together, but it's been a downhill battle and he's on the losing side. He can't lay down fully, nor can he sit upright, can't reach or bend. If he stands, it's only to immediately run into the bathroom (which is thankfully 1.5 steps from our bed).

I'm trying everything I can think of to help. I feel so horrible, I know he's so embarrassed and feels emasculated by this whole ordeal and I never want him to feel like that. I always tell him that none of this will ever change the way I see him, except make me realize how strong he is for everything he has gone through, but never anything negative. He literally just dropped something, so I got up to get it for him and when I gave it to him he said, "Thank you baby, I'm so sorry. I hate being so worthless," and it took everything in me not to start crying...

Here's to hoping my homemade bags can offer him even a fraction of relief and peace of mind. (I'll update with pictures if I end up with anything even resembling functional)

Past Member
Sep 18, 2021 5:44 pm
Reply to BreeAbq505

A few other things to try. provides charitable support for people in need of ostomy supplies.

Also, many manufacturers have patient assistance programs. So, if you get samples, discuss with the reps the situation and see if he can enroll in a PA system. They should be well versed in how to work with Medicare to get the supplies you need. Also, he should see an ostomy nurse about ways to extend wear time and/or to make sure he has the right products for his needs. Having food fit, convex/flat, various types of wear, closed vs. drainable all could impact the number of days he can wear an appliance.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 19, 2021 3:37 am

You said Medicaid allows a box per month. How many are in the box and does he wash out the bags and reuse them? Most of us can rinse out our bags and use them for several days. As some have already said, the vendors will send samples that will help him get through the month.

Sep 21, 2021 5:43 pm

I sent you a private message. Look at the envelope on the heading of the post page. Puppyluv

Sep 23, 2021 4:31 pm
Reply to BreeAbq505

I can help you if you will read my private message. I need to know the size of his stoma and an address to mail supplies. Please answer these questions in the private message.

Sep 23, 2021 4:32 pm
Reply to BreeAbq505

I can help you if you will read my private message. I need to know the size of his stoma and an address to mail supplies. Please answer these questions in the private message.

Sep 23, 2021 4:33 pm

Wow, is this messed up today. Posted twice!

Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 13, 2022 10:29 pm

Perhaps look over this website in your area. If they can't help, maybe they can guide you.

Jul 14, 2022 6:05 am

You must get a different kind of Hollister one than I do, there's 10 in the boxes I get.

Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 14, 2022 12:19 pm
Reply to AlexT

Coloplast same every box of pouches only come in 10.