Another update. So when I was there at the rheumatologist, she listened to me about all of my symptoms and she saw my hands. She said this makes me think of scurvy and asked me if I was eating enough fruit like oranges, etc. Well, with the ileostomy, I told her I can't eat oranges but that I used to drink orange juice and V8. It's been quite a while as I got busy with work, not thinking to pay more attention to my diet. So that day she ran a vitamin C bloodwork test. It came back today and is pretty damn low at 7. My range is deficiency. This kind of explains a lot of my symptoms as well.
Hair loss, dry hair, dry skin cracking open and bleeding spontaneously, toenails and feet bleeding, vomit, diarrhea, weight loss, bleeding gums, weakness, limbs locking up on me and not being able to move them, etc...
I looked up scurvy and sure enough. Smart lady she is. If this vitamin C cures me, then this was a simple fix.
Thought I'd post this important update to let other ostomates remember how important it is to pay attention to our diets.