Why do I have to empty my colostomy bag so often if I don't have diarrhea?

Past Member
Nov 09, 2021 6:35 pm


Nov 09, 2021 8:05 pm

High output ileostomy. I, with a colostomy, usually go once, sometimes twice, occasionally three times. It depends on what you are eating and drinking. Others with an ileostomy will be more helpful.

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Nov 09, 2021 9:13 pm

You empty what you eat....

Past Member
Nov 09, 2021 9:32 pm
Reply to xnine

I have a colostomy, not an ileostomy.

Nov 10, 2021 12:02 am

This subject could bring many answers. Frequency of emptying your pouch 4 or 5 times isn't at all unusual. Just the other day I emptied my pouch that many times. There was only a small amount each time but I decided to empty because of opportunity and ease of cleanup. If I had waited the number of times could have been reduced. However, if your pouch was so full each time that you felt you had to empty then perhaps your system had accumulated a large amount of material which worked its way through your intestine and was ready to exit. What comes out of you is a result of what you put in. Evaluating your output for appearance and texture is more informative than frequency. (In my opinion). I had my colostomy 25 months ago and now have output in small amounts 3 or 4 times each day which pretty much coincides with the eating habit I've adopted which is small portions 3 or 4 times each day. A portion for me as an example is like a small bowl of cereal with fruit or a good sandwich or a burrito or couple of tacos. And of course I make soups and stews and casseroles and freeze single portions. To fill in I have flavored crackers and fresh cut up vegetables or fruit and to start my day I have 3 homemade peanut butter cookies with 2 cups of coffee. If I overindulge on something my output goes haywire and punishes me. So, see what your output is telling you and enjoy!

(Postscript) On the other end of the output scale I have occasion where there is only one output per day, or even no output. It used to scare me but the system sorts itself out and recovers.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Nov 10, 2021 1:15 am

Ok, how full is your bag? What have you been eating? Regular bags or minis? How long have you had your ostomy? Answers to these questions may help you to understand what is going on.

Nov 11, 2021 9:14 pm
Reply to keepers51

Very good answer!


Nov 24, 2021 8:47 am

I'm not sure who initiated the first question....emptying a pouch 4-5 times a day with a colostomy. Colostomy just tells you where in the intestinal tract the opening / stoma was made. It could be at the beginning, close to the rectal stump, which means you have most of your colon. Or they could have removed most of your colon, but brought what was left onto the abdominal wall.....leaving you very little large intestine/colon to absorb fluid...When I first had surgery more than 50 years ago, that was referred to as a "wet colostomy" and accounts for the softer, more frequent output... Those are questions you need to ask your surgeon... If in fact, you do have most of your colon, then some people opt to irrigate daily (at the same time each day). That gets you somewhat regular....and easier to keep a schedule.. But if you want to remain as you are, just purchase the full-sized pouches, and treat it as an ileostomy... It also has to do with the type of foods you are eating and drinking.. More fiber is going to cause more output..... So experiment with diet as well, and see if that changes anything... Best of luck, Marsha