Is it strange that it made me happy?

Past Member
Mar 01, 2022 5:14 am

I had a situation where I was out running errands today and my pouch system moderately failed on me. I have a few safety nets in place (I keep an "emergency kit" in all of my vehicles). But this time, when I left the house I did not think about stuffing my pockets with extra bags, and frankly, I did not really think about my ostomy as I was getting ready to leave.... I just left.

It's strange that I can actually be in a place mentally where my appliance is not so "top of mind"; And that when a "situation" occurs, I can just fix it.... move on.... and not get too rattled anymore.

The fact that my appliance was such an afterthought, even during a mild breakdown.... That makes me happy

Mar 01, 2022 6:38 am

     That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! (Not the fail of course. 😂) What a great space to be in. ❤️ It's hard to explain to non ostomates that constant thought at the back of your mind. Sometimes it invades your dreams, or is the main conscience thought. I'm glad you got to feel normal, and free. Definitely something to be happy about. 🥰


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Past Member
Mar 01, 2022 3:37 pm

I can totally relate! {{{Hugs}}}

Mar 01, 2022 9:17 pm

Yes, I totally relate too.  I think to get to the point where you can forget your bag exists is an accomplishment.  As long as you have thought ahead and have a back-up plan in place, ie, an emergency kit in your car like you do, or an extra pouch and adhesive remover in your inside jacket pocket like I do, you will be covered in most cases.  I've been out for long walks when it suddenly occurs to me that I don't have anything with me, just been lucky so far.  Then there was the time I had a minor leak, I thought I could probably get home before it was a problem, but decided to use the extra one I had in my pocket and change in a store washroom.  I got it out to prepare to make the change, and suddently realized that I hadn't cut the flange to size!!  Don't make that mistake fellow ostomates!!  I made it home OK, and won't do that again!


Jul 02, 2022 2:21 am
Reply to TerryLT

I Order pre cut wafers . So nice not having to cut holes. 


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