Quest for the Right Gear - Filters, Pancaking, and Frustration

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Past Member
Mar 13, 2022 6:48 pm

That's my take on filters and I'm sticking with it.

It is basic science. Objects cannot enter a space that is a vacuum. And filters often turn a pouch into a space of no air at all. So as stool is expelled, it cannot fall into that vacuum.

I'm on an endless quest to find the right gear for my lousy stoma (colostomy), so I've tried samples from many, many companies. There's a picture of my stoma among my profile pics. My earliest gear had no filters. They were two-piece so I'd just burp the pouch by opening the stoma hatch at the top. Never had any pancaking whatsoever. So during the day, I cover the filter with a sticker and remove that sticker while sleeping.

My stoma nurse ordered pouches with filters. Automatic pancaking on those pouches devoid of air. So I'd have to get air into the pouch by allowing some in from the emptying door at the bottom. Pancaking would stop.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it. And I still haven't found the right gear. Not for lack of trying. It's at the point where if there's stool on "just" the convex part of the base after two days, that's a big win. I'm changing my stuff every 2-3 days now to maintain skin health until a more sustainable option appears.

This is quite depressing.

Mar 13, 2022 7:10 pm

I feel your pain in this area, just trying to get my pouch on seems to shoot my anxiety through the ceiling. I've been burping my pouches but today am giving the Osto-EZ vent a try. The last time I tried the pouch only lasted 2 hours before the stoma nurse found a leak.

I hope for the best for you in all regards especially this one.


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Mar 13, 2022 7:25 pm

Hello itsinthebagnow.

I can definitiely empathise with your plight. However, Now you have enlightend us as to having a colostomy , I would ask if you have tried irrigation. If it works for you all the problems you mention will be a thing of the past as you will not need bags anymore!

Best wishes


Past Member
Mar 13, 2022 8:16 pm

I use pouches with filters and I do cover the filter with a sticker because I did have pancaking. My diet does not vary much so I have very little gas, so ballooning is not a problem. Because I have no leaks and only change my wafer every 7 days, I won't switch to a filter-less pouch. I understand how hard it can be when leaks occur. Hang in there. It will get better. Hugs

Mar 14, 2022 6:04 am

I just use regular bags and burp from the top. What you eat will greatly affect your output and causes pancaking also.


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Mar 14, 2022 7:23 am
Reply to Anonymous

Wow. You only change your wafer every 7 days! Is that different from a pouch? Have you a colostomy or an ileo?


Past Member
Mar 14, 2022 9:09 am
Reply to patrickrichardson1946

I have a colostomy. I use Coloplast Sensura Mio 2-piece. The wafer and pouch are separate.

Past Member
Mar 14, 2022 3:17 pm

Wow, if I left a wafer on for 7 days, they'd first have to shovel the shit off me to get to the wafer to remove it. Hurrah for your stoma!

Started experiment number 100000 yesterday with a Convatec one-piece that I feel has promise. I can't remember the name of the product, but it's convex with a very soft plate and a clear sticky that adheres like mad. Felt different from the moment I put it on. The softness of the wafer and tape made it easily adapt to my funky stoma with the canopy. Will see what I've got when I remove it on Wednesday-Thursday. Cannot imagine anything can get under that clear super tape that has it stuck on me. Can't imagine how I'll get it off. This is part of a sample pack, and it came with many Convatec removal wipes, so I'm good.

Past Member
Mar 14, 2022 3:30 pm

Fingers crossed.

Mar 14, 2022 9:21 pm

I totally agree with you about the filters. I only use a pouch with a filter because it doesn't come any other way. I cover it with a sticker and just burp my pouch when necessary.


Mar 14, 2022 9:22 pm
Reply to TerryLT

What pouch number do you use?

Mar 14, 2022 9:23 pm
Reply to patrickrichardson1946

I have an ileo and only change my pouch every six days. I can actually go for seven in a pinch, and have a few times without any problems. I guess I just feel like I'm pushing it a bit at seven.


Mar 14, 2022 9:24 pm
Reply to AlexT

It's a Hollister #8958

Mar 14, 2022 9:26 pm
Reply to TerryLT

Thanks. I think I'm switching to a 8666 but really don't want the filter either

Mar 14, 2022 9:37 pm
Reply to AlexT

If it doesn't come without a filter, just cover it with a sticker, or a little piece of tape, easy, peasy.

Mar 15, 2022 1:44 am

I must confess, even though I've lived with a colostomy since late 2016 (due to rectal cancer), I have never heard of "pancaking". I've tried several brands and "models" of pouches and interfaces.

Early on, I discovered the Mio Click series and have used it for the last several years. The filter works very well for me and because of it, it is the only brand that doesn't "balloon", and as far as I can tell, I've never run into any odor issues.

So, what the heck is "pancaking"?



Mar 15, 2022 1:45 am
Reply to dolmen

Pancaking is where your poop sits right around your stoma and doesn't fall to the bottom of the bag.

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 3:07 pm

Had to remove the Convatec after 24 hours, due to burning sensations under the wafer of the one piece. That clear adhesive "tape" that glues the pouch to you is some kinda wicked stuff to remove. The burning was from stool somehow escaping and getting to the skin around the stoma, and the clear tape burning the daylights out of my skin. I am allergic to Tegraderm and don't know that there's any similarities between the Convatec clear seal and Tegraderm, but my skin seems to think so.

I removed it, put on a one piece Hollister sample, and this morning I stink, of course. But I'm not changing this pouch today, I'm just too done in by the constant changes. I'm so tired. My stoma is so awful. I have enough samples of every product available to cover everyone in my town in pouches or rings or paste, etc., etc.

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 3:12 pm

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this. Are there any ostomy nurses you can get help from? Hugs

Mar 15, 2022 4:45 pm
Reply to Anonymous

I'm thinking of you, sounds absolutely terrible.

Mar 15, 2022 4:49 pm
Reply to Anonymous

Without going back to previous threads, do you use a skin prep before applying your pouch?

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 6:57 pm

I have an amazing ostomy nurse, been doing this for 30 years. She visits me twice a week. She is walking this road with me, sending pics of my stoma to equipment manufacturers and having them send appropriate samples. She is so good to me.

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 7:03 pm
Reply to AlexT

Only if my skin is messed up. Usual routine is to use the Hollister barrier remover, then wash, wash, wash the skin with a paper towel and warm water. Dry with a paper towel and a hair dryer set on low. Put on the appliance. If I need to use powder or barrier, I do so after the wash and let it sit for a minute before I do the hair dryer thing. I've never had a wafer blow off or a one-piece come off, so I'm doing something right. The problems are from the stoma area because of the landscape and the shape of the stoma don't allow for a sure barrier around it. So the stool sneaks under whatever is there, even with using a ring or paste.

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 7:05 pm
Reply to Abefroman1969

Thank you, Abe. In the past 1.5 years, I've had 7 surgeries due to prednisone damage. This removal of dead sigmoid colon requiring a permanent colostomy has brought me to my knees. And I don't get there very easily. It takes a lot to throw me down.

I'm absolutely exhausted.

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 7:11 pm

Oh, that is wonderful! Hugs

Mar 15, 2022 7:12 pm
Reply to Anonymous

I'm just throwing this out there, have you tried using a barrier ring and paste at the same time?

Past Member
Mar 15, 2022 8:54 pm
Reply to AlexT

Hi AlexT, I have not. Wouldn't know where to begin. I am afraid of sticking myself to the counter with that paste if I tried to use both items together. (Just kidding).