I am not sure that I understand your situation correctly. If, however, you have only had your ileostomy for one month (is that what you meant?), you are still in the post-operative stage and have not recovered from the swelling associated with the creation of the ostomy and the surgery in general. You are highly prone to blockages this early. If that is the case, based upon the symptoms you are describing, you are giving yourself intestinal blockages. This is a diet problem. This is also highly dangerous to you.
If that is your situation, put yourself on a recovery diet . . . a minimum of six weeks after surgery, and then slowly expand your food options to whatever your individual tolerance is. It is astonishing that your surgeon would not address your post-op ileostomy diet with you before catheterizing you, so who knows what your situation really is. But I had a lot of strange things happen to me, so maybe that strange thing has happened to you . . .
If you are in the weeks after surgery for the creation of your ileostomy, you are highly prone to intestinal blockages caused by the food you eat, and you need a specific kind of diet, yes? Intestinal blockages can be life-threatening, and very often require hospitalization and treatment, often lasting days, often quite painful. Worth looking into. You can educate yourself. I did. :)
You can find the information about what to eat online by googling appropriate terms like "ileostomy and diet" . . . and, also, if you do not already have that information (possible if you don't know about appropriate post-surgical diet), look up "oral rehydration solution" as well . . . so you don't land in the hospital due to dehydration/electrolyte imbalance.
Good luck. :)