Experiences with Ostomy Obstruction - Seeking Medical Help?

Past Member
Aug 17, 2022 1:43 am

What have your experiences with obstruction of your ostomy been like? Did you need medical attention? If so, what happened?

Aug 17, 2022 4:03 am

No medical attention and mine probably wasn't completely obstructed, but it was very uncomfortable and somewhat painful until it opened up.

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Aug 17, 2022 5:55 am

The following is not to scare you, just information of things I have experienced and learned.

I have had blockages of all levels and have learned many different things. The most interesting thing from my surgeon is that a lot of blockages are caused by adhesions (something worth checking into). After I have had surgeries where adhesions have been "taken down," I can eat anything I want and as much as I want. When I get a blockage, I just have to ride it out and, if bad enough, go to the ER for pain meds and fluids. The most crucial bits of knowledge I have learned are: if you go to the hospital with a blockage, go to the hospital they would fly you to if things were to go bad.

Hope that helps.

ron in mich
Aug 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Hi Emmie, 30 some years ago I got my ostomy and a year and a half after, I had a blockage that required surgery. It was due to adhesions causing my bowel to twist. It was painful and it made me vomit, so off to ER. I have since had food blockages up until 4 years ago when I had resection surgery for stenosis due to Crohn's scarring. When I would get a blockage, I would drink tea or fruit juice to help move it along.

Aug 17, 2022 2:54 pm

1 week after coming home after a 6-month stay in the hospital, I ended up back in the hospital for a 7-day stay from a blockage caused by pineapple. I had all the usual problems that go along with a blockage: being violently sick, pain. I was on morphine for that. They were just at the point of taking me for surgery that I wasn't expected to survive from other ongoing health problems when the blockage cleared itself. I get clogged up quite often now, more like my ileo is on a go-slow. It feels uncomfortable but nothing like having a blockage feels. Doctors say it's normal for someone who's had a stoma for a long time, old age in other words lol. I agree with other comments, adhesions often get the blame for a blockage.


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 17, 2022 6:41 pm

This post is on time. I am currently in Miami for work, I live in Laguna Beach. Something I ate on Sunday before I left home caused a blockage. I had not had one since I had my surgery in 2016 and boy was it painful.

I didn't want to go to the ER so far away from home so I just drank lots of water and anything that would help. I should have thought about a limit because when it opened it OPENED!!!

I am still sensitive where it hurt originally but I'm better now.

Aug 17, 2022 11:35 pm

I too had a blockage soon after getting my ileostomy. I had pizza with mushrooms and because the mushrooms pump up after eating them, they got stuck where I had scar tissue! It was the most painful ordeal ever! I called my sister and she and my parents took me to the hospital. By this time, I was crying in pain so my sister said she would answer any questions the hospital would ask me. She asked me what exactly it is that I have and through my gritted teeth, I said "ileostomy"...well she asked me when did I get my "belly ostomy"! My tears changed from tears of pain to tears of laughter!! I was in so much pain but laughing!!
I went into the ER and all I remember is they gave me morphine and I fell asleep and woke the next day! The mushrooms passed on their own and I haven't had one since!

So on one of my worst days ever, I had a belly ostomy!!

Past Member
Aug 18, 2022 7:27 am
Reply to ron in mich

Wow, you have been through so much. Sorry to hear that, but thanks for the helpful information.

Apr 26, 2023 6:07 am

Mine was due to my hernias and the ER wanted to admit me but I told them to call my colorectal surgeon first before doing that. He was able to look at my scan and said I'd be able to manage at home and to come into his office in the morning. He sent me to the general surgeon and we got hernia with mesh surgery set up. I had to be really careful until I got the surgery.
I was getting them here and there before that last bad one. I would lie in my bed and grab under my knees with my arms and bend upwards. Also, I would heat up a glass of grape juice in the microwave for one minute and drink that. Usually those things would push it out. I would stay on liquids when it would happen.