Tiny Ulcers on Stoma After Changing Appliance: Normal?

Sep 21, 2022 8:00 pm

A month ago, I was taking off the bag on my 2-piece appliance when I accidentally got a couple of small cuts on my stoma from the plastic around the bag hole. They bled slightly. However, now I seem to have 2 small ulcers/granulas where the cuts healed. There are no problems and they don't hurt or anything. I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone and if I should be worried. I've had them for 2 weeks without any issues.

Sep 21, 2022 8:20 pm

Hello Jalrein.

I have had similar things for years and, whilst they were a little worrying at first, they don't seem to cause any problems. except to seem a little unsightly.

If you are worried about yours, then a medical opinion by someone who has knowledge of these things would surely be in order, if only to give you peace of mind

Best wishes



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Sep 21, 2022 8:29 pm
Reply to Bill

Thank you, Bill. You literally read my mind, especially the little bit unsightly part.

Sep 23, 2022 7:14 pm

Hi Jal,

They're not uncommon, and as Bill said, pretty much harmless. If they develop just on the inner edge of your stoma, they can be a bit painful, but otherwise, nothing serious. If you want them gone, then just buy a couple of Silver Nitrate sticks off eBay or Amazon. They usually sell them by the stick, and one stick is typically good for at least 2 applications. The Silver Nitrate essentially 'burns' them off, but you'll only feel a mild discomfort (sting) for a few seconds and then it subsides while they do their job. Normally, it takes a couple of applications, fewer if you have access to your stoma, like with a 2-piece barrier/bag. The SN sticks I used were 75% Silver Nitrate and 25% Potassium Nitrate. They look like big matchsticks, and the moisture from your stomal skin is what activates them. So no mess, and they can be reused until all the nitrate is gone from the end of the stick. I'd snap a pic, but don't have my camera handy, and don't do the smartphone thing. But they're easy to find online.

