Medicare denying coverage for both extender strips and barrier rings? Need advice!

Oct 22, 2022 5:15 pm

Hi! Does anyone who's on Medicare use both extender strips (to secure and support wafer at outer edge) and also a barrier ring (to prevent leaks)? I've been using both for quite a while, ordering the Medicare allowed limit of both each month. But in August, my supplier suddenly tells me that Medicare won't cover them both simultaneously "because they both serve the same purpose" (which they don't!). I asked if this was a new rule because Medicare had been covering both each month up until that point... and the rep basically called me a liar and said that wasn't true... even though I have my back invoices to prove it. Now, they are making me order them on alternate months from each other... but I'm still only allowed a one-month supply of each, every other month, so I'm needing to make them last twice as long! Another ostomate in a support group of mine tells me her supplier gets her both items each month and that Medicare still covers them. Why would my supplier lie?...Does anyone here use both and can shed light on this?

Thanks in advance!

Oct 22, 2022 7:32 pm

Well, your supplier is not Medicare. I'd simply call Medicare and ask them. Then, depending on what they say, go back to your supplier with the current rule on it. I'm not on Medicare but my insurance won't cover remover wipes and remover spray in the same order. Since either a box of wipes or a can of spray lasts me 3 months or so, I simply change up my order when needed.

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Oct 23, 2022 5:40 pm

I have not been told this. But, I am not allowed to order tail closures for the pouch and the pouch at the same time. So, I place two separate orders. Hope this helps.

Oct 24, 2022 12:41 am

I would change suppliers. I use Edgepark and am very happy with them.

Oct 24, 2022 5:50 am

Hi, I use Edgepark as well, but have not had any problems with getting the supplies I need. However, I do say I change more often than I generally do. When I have problems, it can be 3 or four times a week, but more often it's once or twice. I get 3 rolls of 3-inch tape, but I ask for 2 different tapes, one is better for cold water (in the summer) the other works well with hot water for showers. If they are denying you something or amount you need, ask the doctor for a new script. If it's a Medicare issue, call Medicare. There are also some things that I was buying on my own because I didn't think it was a covered item (gauze pads) for cleaning the skin with hot water. I was surprised that I received those because I also get cleaning wipes. If they do not fill your covered needs, consider the suggestions, or change suppliers, or ask to speak to a supervisor. Good luck, Marsha


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Oct 24, 2022 11:49 am

I get both and they are both covered by Medicare. Call back and report that person and ask for a supervisor. If not apologized to, switch to a friendly company. Many out there.

Oct 24, 2022 3:47 pm
Reply to Redondo

What supply company do you use? Sometimes, the person you are talking to doesn't know what they're talking about! Hang up and get another person. I use Edgepark and have always ordered both, even different size barriers at the same time. I order my supplies every 3 months right to the day, so I get a full year's supply.

Oct 24, 2022 4:08 pm

I use both of them but I'm only 2 months into my life as an ostomate. My nurses have been ordering everything and have said it's all covered by Medicare. I don't know if Medicare varies a bit from state to state, but I'd keep calling and get someone nice and compassionate on the phone. Or file a grievance.

Oct 25, 2022 3:31 pm

I had a similar issue. After the surgery, during two to three years, I had very high output. The doctor had me see an Ostomate nurse, which she knew the insurance would ask for; then she gave me a 'Letter of Necessity' which I emailed to the insurance company. This letter forced the insurance to give me 30 bags a month. I no longer have those issues, very little output now due to my normal diet, but I could easily get that letter from my doctor and get those 30 again if I wanted to. I think the insurance asks that you see a specialist, my doctor said the ostomate nurse would suffice. I saw the nurse specialized in ostomies, she was wonderful by the way, I still see her once a year, and she asked two questions about the excess fluid at the time and that was that. The insurance was forced to cover the extra pouches. There are laws and regulations, and this is one of them, if it is a necessity the insurance, including Medicare, will be forced to cover. For example, if I was to tell my doctor now that I am having again excessive fluid and that is causing enormous leaks, everywhere, and causing harm and putting others at risk, for example a leak in the bed bad for a partner, I would ask for that letter again, for the 30 bags and this time I would add this time for good measure the 30 extra barriers. I will go see the nurse again, the specialist the insurance asks to see, and she will again give a nod of approval, and I get my Letter of Necessity. I hope this helps. Not sure if it is the case with your particular situation.

Oct 30, 2022 11:29 am

Use Edgepark. They're great.

Mar 10, 2024 5:03 pm

Not eligible yet for Medicare but hearing about limits placed on ordering equipment makes me want to scream.

You can get an idiot rep.

Hindsight is 20-20.

I am stocking up now. Never know what changes or stricter rules may develop later in the years to come. Fudge that.

If Medicare decides no payment or limits, even Edgepark would abide by those rules.


Mar 10, 2024 11:31 pm

Yes! Stock up! I order from EdgePark, and sometimes it's whoever you talk to if they know what the limits are when it comes to Medicare. Then, they'll give you the song and dance, well, it's whatever your doctor orders. Confusing and conflicting! I order the maximum whether I need it or not!