Hey all
Just had laparoscopic surgery on Jan 19 and now have an ileostomy. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about 6 years ago out of nowhere and everything went downhill from there. Thankfully, the last 6 years I really focused on health and fitness so I had a decent physical build leading up to my surgery.
Honestly, the surgery wasn't that bad. I needed a few days for my system to start up, which almost led to a NG tube, but I refused it and just puked for 2 days; seemed to work aside from that I didn't really experience much pain which was not expected. I feel more capable than I probably am.
After the surgery, I lost about 20 pounds in the first week. My muscle seems to be deteriorating by the day. Haha. Curious if my core is stronger because I had abs before the surgery? (They are still there) Or do I still need to start from the basics.
After I got out of the hospital, I was scared of all food. I was very careful what I ate and how much I chewed. I got so annoyed that I slowly reintroduced foods that I love, and started to chew less. My output was mush, so I kept pushing my limits until I saw chunks in my output. Still nothing. I also seem to absorb all the water I drink (like 3/4L). My output has been a thick paste since I left the hospital and I only empty my bag 2 times a day and none at night.
3 weeks after surgery and I eat everything (not fiber yet). I just ate a full meal at McDonald's, I've had tacos, ice cream, fish, tons of chips, chicken burgers, oatmeal, and so much more!! Everything comes out as a paste. And I chew like a normal person.
I was so afraid of food but I'm starting to get a bit of that relationship back I thought I was going to lose forever. I'm optimistic about the future now and once I'm healed I feel like most, if not all food will be okay.
Anyways. Not sure why I wrote this. Figured it might give some noobs like me some hope. I feel so much better now. When you wake up in the hospital everything feels like a nightmare and it's so depressing. The internet can be a scary place to "learn" something like this.