Seeking Advice on Severe Stomach Pain Post-Surgery

Sep 07, 2010 11:45 am

I am wondering if anyone can help me with the pain I am experiencing!!! It sorta feels like I have pulled a muscle or something in my stomach, but I am worried as it's between my scar and the stoma... It hurts more when I am lying in bed, and if I even try lying on my right side of the body, I'm almost in tears as it's that painful. I have no idea what it is; I'm a bit worried, to be honest! I have tried to get in to see my GP, but she is booked out until next Monday, but I booked an appointment for then. In the meantime, it's sore when I go to bed at night; I'm popping pain killers as I can't get comfortable as it hurts. When I wake up in the morning and try to get up, it hurts then as well. As you can tell, I'm just a bit worried... I had my surgery on the 30th June 2010 and had the entire colon removed.

What could this pain be? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, everyone

Sep 07, 2010 2:17 pm

Not sure what it could be, but if you are in that much pain and taking all those painkillers, I wouldn't wait until next Monday to see a doctor. I think you should go to A&E or ER, or whatever you call it down under.

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Sep 07, 2010 2:53 pm

My heart goes out to you, you are so young to go through all this,
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, I agree with lobster, go to your A&E, don't wait till Monday, look after yourself, and keep strong!

Wendy, x

Sep 07, 2010 3:13 pm

Do you still have your normal output from your stoma? If not, it could be a blockage, and if it's that painful (and you can't see a doctor), a trip to the emergency room should be the first thing you do.

Sep 07, 2010 4:32 pm
Yes, yes, yes! Go to the ER as soon as possible! Chances are it's something with an easy fix, but nonetheless, you don't want to be taking any chances with your digestive system after your body has been through the trauma of a colectomy.

Please keep us all posted, and feel better soon.

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Sep 08, 2010 12:55 am
Agreed!  I had bleeding from my colostomy and waited 5 days to go to the ER and were they ever ticked off with me!  Tell the intake person you have an ostomy that is malfunctioning and they will usher you in right away.  Do not wait in the waiting room!  We've been through so much we deserve a little extra TLC.  

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BTW- I love the photos you've posted on your profile.  

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Past Member
Sep 08, 2010 12:56 am

I think you better head on over to the Joondalup Health Campus, Brooke, if you are still in agony. Monday is just too far away, girl.

I can vouch for the gastro team there (that's where I had my surgery) and am sure you will find an answer and relief for your pain.

Let us know how you go,

Take care, young 'un,

Jo xox

Past Member
Sep 08, 2010 1:30 am
As your surgery was so recent, it could be some internal or deep muscle stitch that has popped. I agree with everyone else. Get to the emergency room. You owe it to yourself.
Past Member
Sep 08, 2010 1:33 am

Hi there, I am also bleeding from the stoma. I have abdominal pains that run from my stoma around to my back. I also have a lot of pressure pains in the rectum. It feels like I have to go to the bathroom. I just had a CT and am waiting for results. All scopes came out clear as well. Do you know why you are having bleeding?


Sep 08, 2010 3:07 am

Go to the A&E department. I left it too long, and it was a blockage that's painful.

Sep 09, 2010 10:14 am

It's the right thing to do. I am pretty young and have 2 children, so when I had all my colitis flare-ups and ended up in emergency surgery, it was no joke. Now if I get any episodes, I just go and they see me before anyone.

It could be the slightest thing that is wrong or nothing wrong at all. After my colostomy surgery, for months I had the "Urge to Go," but that subsided, and my stoma bled, but that was only from cleaning it, which was normal.

Be safe and take care of yourself.

Sep 09, 2010 6:29 pm

How are you doing, Brooke?

Hoping you went to the ER.

One thing to watch: painkillers. If they have codeine, they may cause the stool to become harder/constipation. That can be a no-no for ostomates.

I periodically take a pain med with codeine (migraine), but am careful regarding the amount and make sure to drink loads.

Sep 09, 2010 6:56 pm

Hi, I had surgery on the 30th of June and I am not in that much pain or taking painkillers.

Sep 09, 2010 10:00 pm

I hope you sought medical attention for your abdominal pain. I still get pain occasionally and phantom bowel movement pains, but what you described is much worse and needs to be addressed. Best of luck to you! Keep us posted.
Sep 13, 2010 6:33 pm

Yes, I am still having the same output from my stoma. I went to visit my stoma nurse, but she was busy. Over the weekend, the pain has died down a bit, but with certain positions I'm in, it causes more pain. If it doesn't get any better soon, then I will go to the ED department at my hospital. I just can't stand waiting in the emergency room!

Thanks, though. =)

Sep 13, 2010 6:45 pm

Hey everyone!
Thanks for your advice, it means a lot to me. I haven't been to the ED yet. I was seeing how the pain went over the weekend, and I think I've made it worse, with stress and also moving house.

It seems to only hurt when I'm trying to relax, and when getting out of bed and lying flat in bed. Regarding the Codeine - I do take Panadine Forte now and then, but mostly Tramadol and Panadol together. I am also a migraine sufferer... I tell you, I don't like getting them; when I do, I spend a lot of my time in the shower as I'm just sick... =(

I already drink more than enough water, so that's a good thing. My output is still the same, every now and then it looks like it has a red tinge to it. I know it's pretty thick the last few days as I've been having a fair bit of Coke, and I cannot believe that thickens it. Once upon a time, that would cause me to run to the loo... it's great now, but not in a way.

I've already started my exercise so I can get ready for the next surgery. I'll keep everyone posted as to what I end up doing. And Jo Joondalup Health Campus will put me into an ambulance and send me to Charlie Gairdner Hospital, as all my doctors and that are there. If they need to, my surgeon can be paged, etc... they've done it to me twice, they don't have the resources to deal with my case so I'm shipped off... So now I just go straight there, means I don't have to sit in 2 waiting rooms...

Once again everyone, thanks for your advice. I should really try to get some sleep since it's 2:44 am....


Sep 14, 2010 4:32 pm

Hey you little cutie,

Your "Mama Beatrice" here ... if you are still having those pains, I'd be taking you to emerg/hosp if I lived anywhere close to you!

There are times to be brave and work through stuff ... pain like you described, for us ostomates, should be checked out.

It could be muscular (moving and such ... what are you doing moving things btw
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) but it could also be something happening with the intestine - blockages, kinks, etc.

Anyways, you see where I'm coming from ... be careful with the 'grin and bear it' attitude.

All the best,
p.s. You don't want a hernia ... I'm really careful and I've been told I've got one 'developing' ... ok, enough advice for one post
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Sep 19, 2010 12:35 pm

Hey Everyone,

Thanks heaps for all your advice!!! I still have the pain in my stomach, and some days it is painful, and other days I don't notice it. I have spoken with my Stoma Nurse, and she asked if my output is normal, and that's it. I've had a few days of runny output, but now it's back to normal. I'm not too worried at the moment as my GP has looked at it too, and she thinks that I could have pulled the muscle, as when she was pushing around the scar, OMG, it hurt! But I've been told to take it easy and not to do ANYTHING, so I'm not doing a lot! I'm going back to work on Tuesday, but nothing too hard. I'm only temp working, doing reception/administration work, as I don't want to commit to full-time employment until February next year, as I still have my last surgery to do!!!

Once again, thanks everyone!!!!


Sep 19, 2010 7:25 pm
Good to hear you got it looked at. Take it real easy - you want to be in top health for your surgery.
Sep 19, 2010 10:44 pm

I am new here, Wookie, but have been reading your posts, and I am quite taken aback.

I must say that you are an inspiring young person, and you should be proud of yourself. I sometimes sit back and feel sorry for myself, but when I see what others are facing in their lives, my problems fade into insignificance, and it is a wonderful thing to see you with such a positive outlook on life.

I am glad that your pain seems to be a bit better. Good luck, Wook, and I wish you all the best.

Take care and keep smiling.
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