
Feb 18, 2010 9:06 pm

Well, went to the Dr. today and he's sending me back to Cleveland Clinic, seeing how I'm from Southern Indiana, it's a 6 hour drive, and i'm not good at driving in big towns, ahhh :) but, i think my husband and I got through to him, he said in the past 2 1/2 years ive been in the hospital 26times, way too many for me. I know there are many out there that have it much morse but, as my dad says it doesn't make what your going through tough and I agree, but We have some diagnoses but, nothing that's gonna help right now. I have bad memory so if i repeat myself, sorry:) My bowels don't work and that's why I have an illeostomy, I have 5 other diagnoses, but i won't get into that, I don't like to talk about the bad stuff in my life, and in our own way the bag were all kinda going through that so it's a mutual comment. Anyways, I'm really hoping that they will be able to find out what the hell is going on, so i can eat again! I'm on TPN bag, but i'm not gonna let them put it into my gut for now it's going into my picc line, short term so the sooner they can get me eating the better, boy do i miss pizza and popcorn, and i love me some pork, yum! Making me hungry just talking about it. Anyways, I'll hopefully be leaving in a few weeks, but they'll be doing about 2-3 weeks of testing, i got a lot of unresolved issues that I'm just not willing to give up yet, and don't know that i will ever be. If anyone in places that specialize in weird cases please, let me know, already to been to Mayo and Cleveland, this will be my third time there, so i'd better find some help lol, try to have a little humor huh. Talk to you all later... Bye

Feb 19, 2010 6:54 pm
how aggrevating for you, no diagnosis or clear treatment. I remember the "my mouth is so bored" ha ha. funny now, sucked then. can you get a gps for you car? good luck.
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