Son heading out of Country today

Aug 20, 2010 12:11 pm
Driving son to airport this early a.m. He is going to Albania for work (core~driller) He will be 2 months work/ 2 weeks off cycle. First leg is Spokane to San Fransisco,CA. thenMunich, Ger. then onto Tiana, Albania. 27+ hours! I'm glad he gets to see the world, just a mom's worry about all the planes and things: He is over 30 now, so....After the 6 hour drive to airport and back I am helping out at the local Eagles for their dinner tonight. This morning was another day I woke up with a leak...GAAAH! I am crossing fingers this new pouch will adhere for the car ride at least...Seems when I have a leak, the skin peri-stoma gets weepy and perpetuates the issue of not holding on. Have a great day all, lex
Aug 21, 2010 11:49 am
hi- like your attitude about son and his adventures- about the leaking.. i had trouble in may- went to the stoma nurse and got some tips on how i was changing appliance- and since then it seemed to clear up..knock on wood- no leaks since may..but- yes- sometimes the skin- peri stomas still gets a little weepy- and then i try and air it out a bit...have a good day.. carly
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Aug 21, 2010 8:00 pm
yes Carly! I try to keep up-beat, had the ileostomy for just over 2 years now, my life has VASTLY improved since...despite the leaks. I am not a full member yet, will try to post to ya tho. I was just in LongBeach, WA and walked the dunes with the wind at my back; Smelled the salty the oceans too. lex