
Sep 18, 2010 1:00 pm
Well I have 2 weeks 2 days and around 8 hours (not counting) until I go into hospital to have an ileostomy reversal. Been a bit naive and ignorant of the possible poor outcome from this procedure. Have had a colostomy and then an ileostomy since May last year when a perforated bowel caused a fraction of grief. I am glad to be coming to some sort of closure (pardon the pun) but concerned as well. One thing that is pissing me off is that the day after I go in is my birthday. Due to stacks of complications after both surgeries I know most of the staff in the entire hospital so they better get me a cake and sing happy birthday or else there will be trouble.I will have to take names and kick butts! One bonus is that I will see my football team the mighty St George Dragons win the comp before I go in. For all of you who dont know who the Dragons are dont worry just get on the bandwagon with me. Only the good follow St George.
Past Member
Sep 18, 2010 2:39 pm
Hi Kenny,

Understandable to be a bit apprehensive about reversal surgery but there are plenty of success stories so think positively and am sure you will be fine.

Shame you will be post op on your birthday but yes, definitely be demanding the cake!

OK I will cheer on St George in the rugby if you barrack for Collingwood in the AFL!

Best wishes for your upcoming op and recovery,


Jo x
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Sep 19, 2010 12:42 am
Thanks for that Jo. Yes I will ensure there is cake and festivities galore in my ward. Gee I hope they put me in the bed closest to the toilet.

You have me.It is probably about time for the Magpies to win again. Go the Pies!
Sep 20, 2010 8:07 pm
I'm planning on your positive outcome to inspire me to have the same surgery...not sure if I'll have it on my birthday but if that's the trick for a successful procedure, I'm game. Please keep us posted.