tincture of opium amd ileostomies

Feb 14, 2011 9:27 pm
My gastroenterologist has written a prescription for tincture of opium to slow down the output of my ileostomy.

Does anyone have experience with this drug. This is an old remedy and is exceptionally expensive.I sure can attest to

to that.

Feb 14, 2011 10:25 pm
Several of my gastroenterologists mentioned tincture of opium to slow down diarrhea. They were reluctant to prescribe it b/c it is highly addictive. A friend's brother who had AIDS was using it and supposed to take a half teaspoon and was downing half the bottle so perhaps the docs were right. I took codeine with the same theory that it will slow down output. Helped a little.
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Feb 14, 2011 11:07 pm
I have been on DTO since February 2004. My surgeon prescribed it because the bag was filling up rapidly. I continued using it after my reversal for the next 6 years while I had a J-Pouch. Last year, the J-Pouch went and I received a permanent ileo. I would not recommend it for reasons already cited. Unless you have insurance, you will go broke. It is addictive and I was in trouble when I ran out. Most pharmacies and big chains do not stock DTO. It can take about a week to ship. It has been going through major price swings in the past 3 years: from $85 a 4 OZ bottle, to $565 a bottle, to around $250 now. I can only get a one month supply by law from my doctor. Some states will allow a 90 supply. DTO works OK but I have to supplement it with a lot of immodium. Although I am addicted to the drug, I am not crazed and, by some accounts, half-way decent. Let me know if yu have any more questions.
Past Member
Feb 15, 2011 2:51 am
They are still using this? Wow... Dr. Machurin in the "Master and Commander" series was addicted to the "Alcoholic Tincture of Laudanum". Be careful with this. There are plenty of other opiates out there that will "slow things down" (constipate) - and probably many that are cheaper.
Past Member
Mar 03, 2011 6:05 am
what makes it so addictive prime? How fast it your travel time? Mine can be real fast!! What other benifits does it offer? Just wanted to know I have never heard of it?Traci thanxs

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