My letter to Chelsea Handler

Jul 09, 2011 5:51 am
Dear Chelsea,

I wanted to write you a quick note to let you know how you’ve influenced me, even under the sedation of Propofol. I recently had a colonoscopy which resulted in a very disgusted nurse, a pissed off mother and a waiting area full of amused patients and families.

Upon waking up from the procedure, I had to go to the bathroom. The nurse said, “You can’t go to the bathroom, you’re too sedated to walk,” to which I replied, “Too sedated?? You’ve never partied with the Hirsch!!! But usually when I wake up my ass doesn’t hurt!” The nurse looked disgusted and shook her head. My mom told me to shut my mouth. I said, “I feel like Chelsea Handler, mom!” My mother said, “Who is Chelsea Handler?? Sit down!”

I stumbled to my feet, stomping as I walked. The IV pole was waving all over the room as I set forward on my path to relief. A patient’s family member yelled from across the waiting area, “You shouldn’t be walking!” I yelled back, “It’s like a party in here!!!” as I slammed the bathroom door open.

Relief came to me. Anger and embarrassment came to my mother. She left me. To drive home. After being sedated in the hospital. The nurse wouldn’t look at me, and the boy who wheeled me back to my room said I was his hero. I believe I became a hero because of you. You’re my hero, Chelsea Handler.

Said colonoscopy lead to my now permanent colostomy bag. I wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of becoming a bag lady at 27, but I tried to focus on the positive, which is why I developed the following top ten list. I hope you’ll enjoy. Thanks for all the laughs!


10) No more embarrassing "I shit my pants" stories.

9) You have an excuse not to wear a two-piece.

8)You can knit little bag covers for your different moods, holidays, etc...

7) You use less toilet paper. You use less water from flushing. You save rainforests. You are a conservationist.

6) You have an excuse to not eat food people make that you don't like. ~"I would, but my bag can't take it."

5) A stoma and bag can be used for a number of party tricks.

4) You get to wear t-shirts that say "Bag Lady", "No colon and still rollin", etc...

3) You have an excuse to pass on butt sex, as yours is sewn shut.

2) You have a bag of shit handy to use as a weapon at all times.

1) You can scare small children by chasing them with your stoma.

The now ass crackless,


Jul 10, 2011 12:30 am
Very good DJK. Thanks for making me laugh. You have a great sense of humor. I'm going to print a copy of that and keep it in my desk. I actually have another item for your list. It can get you out of traffic tickets. I once ran a red light and was stopped by a policeman. I pulled up my shirt, showed him my bag and explained it was full and I had to get home quickly. It really wasn't full, but I think he felt sorry for me and he let me go. My girl friend at the time said "I can't believe you just did that!" I said, "If I'm going to be stuck with this bag I might as well take advantage of it," hahaha
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Jul 10, 2011 1:49 am
Ha! perfect! :)
Jul 11, 2011 11:25 am
OMG PJT i did that too LOL well i kinda stopped to check my phone no seat belt, no lisence on me apparently they thought i was hiding drugs was looking for my mobile (Cell) didnt notice drove on and was stopped by the melbourne Booze bus..No alcohol but the rest was illegal..had my cap on and sunnies this is what was said as i was waved into the line of police "hey mate where's the drugs we were watching you" omg they realised i was a female showed them my DRUGS Oh whats wrong with you yep i showed mine 2 lol well its not a clear pouch but the copper said blah blah i was panicked knowing i forgot my lisence spell chec so the last cop gave the third degree he said Oh my dad got one of those few months ago i said awww hope he is doing well he said get a doc certificate for no seatbelt cause it hurts right i said um he said it HURTS i said yep ..And on my way i went with my gob open saying OH MY GOD ..and thought the same as you...To bad the fixed speed cameras dont speak just paid $239 australlian dollard my fault sooooo ....cheers mooza xx
Jul 11, 2011 11:25 am
LOL yeah has been a forum bout use your bag as a weapon and yes i have thought of it make sure u got a spare pouch funny blog .... I done the ole get out of bed but when i had one of my BIG operations i actually got so pissed off i went 3 floors by lift to the hospital shop cant rem what for but man i was off my tree LOL ..And not happy so i think they were scared too stop me actually its a blur but they smacked my bed from recovery into a wall didnt say Oh r u ok ..Well i got to the ward bawled they didnt giv a fuc so somehow got outa bed 8th Operation felt like a vetran and did the walk....Glad i didnt faint but wasnt a good ideqaq really i think i bought eyebrow pluckers LOLOLOL..sorri start my txt writing ..ok seeya mooza

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 11, 2011 11:25 am
my spelling sux..sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jul 18, 2011 4:07 am
#1A).....When your son lets one "rip" and starts laughing as your gagging and grasping for can out do him anytime as pay back....let's see who's laughing NOW little boy!
Jul 18, 2011 1:47 pm
HAHAHAH 10 point budd LOL ..hope your doin well girl...))))))))) who is chelsey handler argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg sjould we kik her arse or what ??
Jul 19, 2011 7:42 am
Ha! She is a comedian. I HIGHLY reccommend her books.