Just Turned 55

Aug 09, 2011 3:58 am
Not sure why I'm up so late blogging, but I guess the Spirit just moved me right. When I have a birthday, especially this year, I get very reflective and somewhat sentimental. Just like all of us osties, what I have been through in the last few years is nothing short of amazing and miraculous! When I started feeling a little panicky about the big 55, I thought about laying in ICU in 2008 thinking I was taking my last breath. The docs thought so too, but God had other ideas! Maybe I'll blog in detail some day and write about my near death experience, but for now suffice it say that I was in 2 hospitals for 4months total before I had my surgery; then last year, just because, I had emergency surgery for an internal hernia on Friday the 13th. In 2008 my Crohn's got really bad. It lead to PCP pnemonia, which was nearly fatal, sepsis, extreme edema, a collapsed lung, heart attack, stroke, multiple seizures and a few comas; one that lasted 24 days. I had to learn how to swallow, walk, dress myself etc... all over again. God is good. He brought me through it all. Now I help to pastor a local Episcopal church and I live with my 4 cats, right down the road from the church. I am surrounded by loving friends and furry babies! My human baby will be 22 next month. Oh how the time flies!

Just some random thoughts; will blog again; I welcome comments!

Aug 09, 2011 6:22 pm
You have a very good attitude.We are all blessed that we are survivors.And know matter what we go through,there is always someone who has or has had it worse Surviving cancer has made me appreciate the little things in life and not take anything for granted. If I see pretty flowers in a garden, I take the time to smell them. When it rains, I like to feel the raindrops on my shoulder,or feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.I have learned to appreciate life more.
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Past Member
Aug 10, 2011 12:15 am
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...55 the prime of life !!! I'm right behind you friend. I have to say, I'm having the time of my life, with the love of my life. Like you, I also appreciate every day that I've been given. Although my Good Day scale varies, each day-break brings another opportunity for joy and surprise. Continued good health, and Ohhhhhhhhhh.... Happy Birthday !!! Beg