Reversal Postponed :(

Jan 12, 2012 7:43 pm
Hi Wonderful Ostomate Family-

I went to the doctor this morning because I was having some prominent muscle weakness and swelling and my legs and shoulders. Looks like I have a case of lupus my reversal that was scheduled for the 18th has been postponed until we can deal with the issues at hand. I am sad; but I don't want to go into major surgery with obvious lupus problems. I've had lupus since I was a teenager; in fact lupus is what killed my colon last was lupus vasculitis that caused me to lose my entire large intestine and have the resulting ileostomy.

I'll probably reschedule the reversal for the first week in February after we figure out how to tackle the myositis.

In the interim, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

I'll keep you posted.


Past Member
Jan 12, 2012 10:57 pm
Hi Darla sorry op been cancelled, your in my prayers and my thoughts be with you,for your lupus to subside in time for your op. Timing is bad with health issues i know. Hoping you make a speedy recovery hugsssss ambies.xx
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Past Member
Jan 12, 2012 11:33 pm
Hi Darla, Like Ambies, I'm really sorry to hear your reversal has been postponed. What a time for this Lupus to raise it's head!! Of course we'll keep you in our prayers and may everything be in order for an early February date with your surgeon. God Bless and take good care, Colm
Jan 13, 2012 1:42 am
Thank you, Ambies and Colm. You two are some of the forum angels...always looking out for the rest of us and wishing us well; no matter what your own circumstances. I appreciate you very much! Hopefully this is just a little bump in the road...I have been building momentum, if you know what I mean, for weeks now, and I don't want to lose it! I am sure you went through something similar, Colm, when your Dr. pulled the rug out from under you a few weeks's like someone stuck a pin in your momentum and let ALL the air out! Kinda takes your breath for a moment.I will try and take this in stride and continue to let things flow through me and around me like our friend Carol always reminds would be a good time to put some of her wisdom to good use!Darla
Jan 13, 2012 1:21 pm
Me three ... stay positive and believe that this too shall pass. My bubble was burst two weeks ago when I developed a small infection in the stoma incision. The first phase of my reversal was done on 11/14. Day before Sunny and was supposed to be completed on 7 weeks later. I try to keep a positive perspective by believing that my colon reattachment will have more time to heal properly. It seems as though a bunch if us 'reversals' are turning into postponements!!

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 13, 2012 2:34 pm
Fable3 - Indeed it does! I will add you to my list of sending positive vibes and good thoughts your way! Beaner had her reversal yesterday; she is one of the few who have actually had theirs on schedule! Did you have a J Pouch constructed in Phase One? Darla
Jan 13, 2012 10:18 pm
Thank you for the positive vibes!!! Ill be sending some your way in return :) I had a temp loop ileo constructed and colon reattached to rectum. Second surgery is to close the loop ileo.
Jan 14, 2012 11:47 pm
My prayers are with u fable3,and i know everything will be just fine.I had an ileostomy first in 2008, i had it for 4mons,they reversal done then in 2010 things got worst for me and i ended up with an ostomy and i caan truly say I'm glad i have it , it same me i have had 36 surgery with 29 hernia's and i have today 3 more hernians,so u are lucky and strong and u will be okkkkkkkk.
Past Member
Jan 16, 2012 11:18 am
Fable3, Sorry to hear about your predicament and wishing you a quick recovery! Just hope your postponement isn't for too long. You're half way there......think positively and it won't be too long before stage 2 is complete. Will be sending those positive vibes your way in the meantime. Best of luck and take good care, Colm
Jan 20, 2012 3:45 am
And the doctors keep on telling the patients that the reversal surgery is easier than the first one!!!??? Not for my hubby and sure looks like not for a lot of folks on this site.