1st Half day back at work

Jan 16, 2012 11:08 pm
Well like the title says - I finally was able to start back to work today. It was great, althrough I think my brain is still hibernating or secretly watching TV. Oh well I'm sure that I will get back into the swing in no time. My only downer of the day was that I may not be going back to the job that I had, and that bums me out. It took me years to train the sales guys I work with - took a lot of nagging and bitching etc nd of course the company has made the job so much easier now - I want to enjoy the cream the ease of the new systems DAMN IT !!! LOL. I am so lucky to have a job to go back to not sure how I would have coped with no job - perish the thought. I thought that I would be completely dead on my feet but I'm still jazzed. Hope that I can sleep or my poor brain with be even worse off. So it's 1/2 days for 2 weeks and then full bore. I'm hoping that when the plastic surgeon does the skin graft to cover and heal the wound that every thing goes smooth. I would hate having to take any more time off for this stuip stuip stuip %&%&%&&__()() wound. Also Stefant the stoma was sooo well behaved today no singing ,no squirting likea maniac, or acting like a Riverdance extra, he was such a good little boy that I am thinking of ways to reward him. Hope everybody had a good day if not a great one

Jan 17, 2012 4:53 pm
Congradulations on your first 1/2 day back to work!!!!!And that Stefant behaved himself!!!!You will do great...keep forever Positive!
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Jan 17, 2012 5:29 pm
Hi Tess great guns getting back on your half day to work, hope you continue with good health.. Pleased to hear that Stefant was behaveing well. Good luck for the future in all aspects.. tc ambies..