2012 please be kind to me

Jan 20, 2012 12:24 am
Hello and Happy New year to all my friends

My blog was in November and sadly I did lose my sister Paulette to Lung Cancer. She was diagnosed in September and left us on December 27th. It was a very difficult Christmas as you can imagine.

Her Daughter was very blessed in having a beautiful little girl Olivia on December 2nd. God does work in mysterious ways... My sister was able to attend her Daughters Baby shower and shared Christmas with her family than she had to go...

she was only 51 years young and would have celebrated her 52nd Birthday on January 9th. I miss her terribly and my heart is very heavy... one day at a time as they say. It was a very difficult year with the passing of my Daughters Best friend who was only 20 in March of 2011 and my Best friend Monique in August of 2011

and my beautiful sister in December I pray that 2012 will be kind. All the best to you all my Ostomate Friends...

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and thank you for listening


Jan 20, 2012 7:56 am
Hi Dee...I'm so very sorry for your sister passing! I know how you feel cause I lost my sister 1.5 years ago very suddenly to a heart problem that none of us saw coming! I have such a void in my life without her and I miss her so very much! She was my oldest sister and passed way too early, she was only 51! So I'm so very sorry for you and my your dear sister R.I.P.! And I'm with you and praying that 2012 will be kind and happy! Keep in touch!!!Sandra
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Jan 20, 2012 10:57 pm
Hello Dee, sorry to here about your sister. The same fate may take my sister.She had breast cancer about 5 yrs ago and just found out that it is back.It has metastasized into her bones. I have that sinking feeling in my gut that she will not make it this time.It's hard to see her and imagine life without her in it. And I get choked up every time I see her. You have lost your best friend and sister.That must be horrible. I wish you luck in this new year. Donna
Jan 20, 2012 11:17 pm
My prayers with u and others.U are blessed u got Christmas with her and she made daughters baby shower. So Dee your sis is happy in heaven and looking down on u all.Just keep her in your hearts,she will always be there.I lost my best friend of 38years and my husband I know how I feel.Hang in there,it does get easier has time goes on.Best of the new year.Sharon.
Past Member
Jan 21, 2012 12:28 pm
I am so, so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you are a very strong woman. I know your niece and little Olivia are glad you will be here for them. I DO hope the remainder of 2012 and everyone in it will be super kind to you. You certainly deserve happiness without heartache. Loretta

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Past Member
Jan 22, 2012 1:13 pm
So sorry for the loss of your loved one, my friend. You and your family, have my deepest sympathy and the understanding, words can't truly express. I too lost someone very precious to cancer (very quickly) at 52 years old. There isn't a day, in the last 9 years, that I don't think of her and gather strength in the knowledge that she watches over me. In my heart I know, if it's possible...she certainly found the way and I bet your sister did to.......I wish you comfort...BEG
Jan 31, 2012 2:32 am
I would like to thank all of you for the kind words it meant so much you can't even imagine. Days are getting alittle easier but we miss my sister terribly. I am blessed with 2 other sisters and one brother and we are very very close it does help. It has been very hard on my Mom and Dad as you can imagine. take care all 3