What to do??? Surgery or hold off ???

Aug 20, 2012 2:31 pm
My heart is pounding, I'm feeling sick just at the thought of not knowing what to do...I know I will get the answer to my question soon, but still I'm nervous.. Having another corrective surgery scares me....I'm sure we all have these feelings, especially when it's the stoma...not knowing if it will be better or will it make it worse...I have another parastomal hernia and another prolapsed stoma which does what it wants...there are days when it feels "normal" then there are days when it just hangs out and swells up that I have to take off the bag, lay down and let it do it's thing. I'm afraid that if I do have the surgery that it will happen again, or even worse turns out that the stoma turns into an innie...I guess time will tell..I'm going for my second opinion today,, Lets see what the second Dr. has to say....Writng out my thoughts has calm me down..time to start getting ready to Dr. appt...

Aug 20, 2012 7:22 pm
Afternoon Winnie.I can understand your concern. As I have had a prolapse...fix it in Feb now it is slowly coming out again even with the mess. I say about 1-1/2 into bag, not to bad-the dia want from a 3/4 to a 1-3/4! So After two surgeries as long as it works, and it does....I am leaving it alone. But I do not yet have a hernia. My stoma will go back in somewhat after laying down for awhile. But I been on Steriods for 40 yrs and I am sure my muscle are not too good.Not sure what to tell you....yours it alot worse than mine, and I do understand your Concerns. I had a surgeon tell me once a long time ago, you can always have surgery, but if something goes wrong, nothing they can do.Good Luck with your decision! It is a tough one! Let me know how you make out with 2nd opinion.
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Aug 20, 2012 10:35 pm
Thank you spade for responding. I have left this alone for about 5 plus years. Through-out the years I think it has gotten worse in the sense that I have to pull off bag and wait. I still have to work for a living, which is an inconvenience to have to leave work run home and let it do it's thing. As for the second opinion, I was told that sooner or later I would have to fix it, sooner than later mainly because I could wind up with a strangulated intestine and that would be more complicated. My stoma hangs out all the time, sometimes not as long but unless I'm laying then it goes in some. I can see where steroids can have an affect on your system. After my appt. with the 2nd. Dr. I was undecided with which Dr. will do the surgery. I have decided to go with where I feel most comfortable and who I can trust. Thanks again, I really didn't expect anyone to respond, at lease I know I am not the only one that has had a second prolapse. God bless!
Aug 21, 2012 1:55 am
It looks like you have done your homework, Winnie, and selected the right doctor. Now, trust that doctor and start believing that everything is going to be fine. There really is a lot of power in positive thinking. PB
Aug 21, 2012 5:46 am
Hello Winnie,Thank you for sharing you difficulties. You are certainly not alone in contemplating what to do in these sort of circumstances. Please let us know how things work out for you. Good luck!Best wishes Bill

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Aug 21, 2012 4:38 pm
Hi Winnie, I know how it feels to have to go through another surgery but i'm glad to see you've taken the right steps and not taking the fist doc that you seen without doing a little homework, you really have to look out for number one. I hate to say try not to worry but you know what I mean, we'll be here anytime to listen to anything you feel will help lessen your worries, Ed
Aug 22, 2012 1:47 am
Thanks PB, I'm the one usually telling other what you told me..positive thoughts,now to practice what I preach.... Thanks Bill, I will post how things work out... Hi Ed, yes, I know what you mean and I'm leaving my worries to the powers that be...focus on positive thoughts and I will post to let y'll know how things turn out.
Aug 25, 2012 4:35 pm
Hi Winnie I hope your doctor is experienced in this type of surgery I have visted many doctors through out teh world and it is amazing just how naive some are of our conditions they talk about cancer . heart attacks and they all seem to be experts i think you have to be firm with the doctor and ask him what his experience is with this type of thing and consult with a good consultant as whne I had my ileostomy it took me nearly three years of going in and out of hospital as the doctore had no clue as to what was wrong intill it blew up as i has Ulcerative Colitus but i suffered for three years any way good luck ans saty posituve it will work outi am sure
Aug 27, 2012 6:09 pm
You're right PRIVACY, the input I got on my second opinion, was nothing like the first...after much thought it sounded like the Dr. was trying to sell me a surgery..I will stay positive. Thanks for your response.