Reacuring Hernias (The Return),

Oct 01, 2012 1:15 pm
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't told how my hernia surgery went. Unfortunately it didn't go to plan. I went into hospital and they tried to repair it, which to a degree it did , but where they had resited the stoma hadn't been done properly and I was discharged with basically a dead stoma. I was home for about a week and during this time was not well, and my stoma nurse told me to come straight to the hospital. When the doctor saw me he immediately performed surgery on me, the next thing I know six days later, I woke up in intensive care. I had 5 operations in that time. I was then moved to a ward and had a further two operations. I know have a big open wound on my stomach which looks like your bottom on your stomach, you can actually put your hand in it. Which happens every day, as I have a nurse come in as the stomach has not healed. They had to place my new stoma above the waist, and it is a drainable bag. As I will never pass firm movement's. So the stoma is very noticeable through my clothes. To have the opening on my stomach closed would require major plastic surgery, and I just can't face any more surgery. Sorry for sounding sorry for myself it's just been a very stressful time. Thank you everyone who replied to my previous message. It would be great to hear from anyone who knows how it feels. Thanks everyone Take care rythamoflove (Jeff)

Oct 01, 2012 8:14 pm
god blessyou, thats an horrendous story! prraying you get well soon and it all gets sorted, no one should have to go through so much pain,xx
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Oct 01, 2012 9:32 pm
Thanks so much for your message, it was very kind of you and comforting. rythamoflove Jeff xx
Oct 03, 2012 5:21 am
Hello rythamoflove.This terrible thing may not have happened to us first-hand, but I'm sure we can all empathise with your situation and, for the best of reasons, I hope that nobody else has experienced this or ever will. Best wishes Bill
Past Member
Oct 03, 2012 7:00 am
HelloI have felt like you have felt, I am sure. I had 2 flesh eating diseases and gangrene on my buttocks up to my genitals with a little involvement there...I was in a coma 9-10 days, had 9 surgeries and almost died, have amnesia of weeks, possible months, and illusions like dreams that I believed were real...what a nightmare and I say night and daymare! Ok, to make a long story even longer :) I was diabetic and needed insulin, but could not afford it. My sugar shock with blood sugar in the 500 to 700 range is what took over, enabled my infection. I do understand the FEELINGS and THOUGHTS of being powerless, life will never be the same, I got the raw end of the deal, why am I alive, what is the purpose of my life, nobody REALLY cares, I should just end it all, why me and on goes the list!! I DO feel sad for myself, I cry, I get really angry and it will come out when I least expect it, I cuss, I pout, I get mean, irritable, I scream a little, I feel empathy and sympathy for ME! Know what? I can only change what I can and I have that wisdom here at 57 years old...I got the raw deal, bottom line! So I forgive myself for blaming me and treating me like I am not allowed to act the way I do. It is okay for me to do all those things, as long I am not causing anyone else or myself any distress.Soooooo, please go easy on yourself, know that you are NEVER alone with all those emotions, etc. There are many who relate to you and understand how horrible life can be. Please keep sharing. Pain shared is pain lessened. My thoughts and prayers are with you.Oh! I forgot...anyhow, I had a colostomy to save my life! without it, infection would have spread more. They thought I would at least have no legs, but I got through all of it because I am here for some higher docs tell me that too. I am grateful to be alive.I also wanted to say that I have developed a hernia under my stoma...mine is on my left has gotten to be the size of a large cantaloupe! It sticks out far and I hit it oh stuff! It was to be a temporary colostomy, but it has been 1 and 1/2 years now ...I must stop smoking and lose weight if I can, before any hernia/reversal can be done.OK! Thanks again! LOLYour new bud, KatHUGS!!Thanks for letting ME share! Take care and know that you can share with me.

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 03, 2012 2:42 pm
Hi love lady, thanks for your message, it sounds like you have had a really hard time of it, pretty much what you went through I did. But as you said what we went through saved our lives, and I think I'm getting to the stage where I realise how precious life is. I also had those sorts of dreams and to a degree still do. I saw someone who specialises in helping people, who have been in intensive care and what we are experiencing is very common, and in time it does get better. But you must not feel guilty for having those bad days, where you feel how unfair life can be. But remember your a special person, who is still here to tell your story and by doing that are helping others, like me, realise we are not alone and can all support each other by sharing our stories and how we find ways to cope. You take good care of yourself. rythamoflove (Jeff)
Oct 03, 2012 2:42 pm
Hi Bill thanks for your message, it was very kind of you. It does help to know that people care and can share their experiences. Many thanks rythamoflove (Jeff)
Oct 08, 2012 2:08 pm
you this is what this site is good for people just need to vent out how they feel for the moment and just to have someone lend them the ear they need and give them a hug no matter what age you are you always need a hug or a smile put back in your life to make you smile and know that there are others out there that will take the time to listen to you and try to cheer you up
Oct 08, 2012 7:09 pm
Hi weewee thanks for message, your quite right just having someone to listen can do wonders. Unfortunately at this time in my mind I can't see how anyone would want to be with me, the stoma is very unpredictable it can fill up at any time and of course the odour problem. So I don't go out much, as I said my stoma is noticeable under clothing. And because of all the surgeries my stomach is disfigured. Here I go again feeling sorry for myself. It's just been one of those days. But your right my family and friends have been very supportive, but it is nice to know people on this site can understand and be so kind, it really helps getting these messages of support. Many thanks rythamoflove ( Jeff)
Oct 09, 2012 6:39 am
hello Jeff my stoma also sticks out about four inches i can push mine back in and then i wear my wrap it in till the gas fills the pouch and then i just release the gas and it goes back to snug fit you can find these wrap at any medical store i have to get the largest one they have so i have room to move the wrap open so when i fill up with gas there is room of relief plus if i have a blow out the wrap stops it from going everywhere as long as it not a full load of crap i have also cut one of my wraps so that i can empty the pouch so i don't have to take it off i am trying to build my own support cause they don't make them for the 4 inch wafer and pouch that i have found yet this helps so that it doesn't stick out of my clothes or you would see one side of my shirt way out there yes my belly looks like a back hoe made some ditches for irrigating the farm i was like you in the same thought i am not a full member any more so if you would like to chat you can email me at
Oct 11, 2012 12:18 am
wow thats awful ... i still have pain from hernia repair its been so long now i think i just have too much scar tissue ...hope everyones well ........
Past Member
Nov 15, 2012 1:25 am
Yes, scar tissue! Mine is there, under parts of my skin, I feel it all the time... Hey Jeff! I just wanted to know how you are doing TODAY, this moment???? I am about the same. Good days, bad days, ok days, terrible days! Just trying to do something great for ME on the worst of days helps so much, so does stretching exercising and yelling out slowly with all my exhale breath! Hope all is well today with you. Hug and smiles ;P LoveLady or Kat
Nov 15, 2012 5:34 pm
Hi Kat thanks for message. I'm not doing to bad. Like you said good days and bad days. I'm still having the nurse coming every day to change dressing. When I saw the surgeon last month, he said the only way they could make my stomach look better, once the wound had heeled would be major plastic surgery. I just couldn't do that. The way I look at if I can live with it, and others can't that's their problem not mine. It's the person inside that matters not the outside appearance. I'm glad your getting on ok and hope you keep getting better. Just keep being positive and think if we hadn't had the surgery, we may not be here to share our experiences and hopefully help others know they are not alone and it is possible to have a good quality of life living with a stoma. You take care of yourself Jeff (rythamoflove)