Embarressed !

Jan 22, 2013 10:53 pm
I had a moment this weekend that I thought most of you might get a chuckle out of but I was horrified ! I was at a party saturday night with a few friends and my friend who I have had a little thing for gave me a hug . He was pretty drunk and I have had a few drinks , i was wearing a black dress and when he hugged me my bag made this crinkling sounds. I was so embarressed when I pulled away from him cause i knew he heard it. He looked at me and said " you got a bag of chips in that little dress" . I almost died ! I tried to play if off like he didn't hear anything but that didn't work so I had to take him aside and tell him all about my ostomy. He felt aweful for saying it after I told him about it and I felt better telling him about it. o and i'm never wearing that dress again ! i realised you could see the outline of my bag through it !

Jan 23, 2013 7:23 am
Hello alagalo13. Thanks for posting this as it brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. Your story transported me back in time to when I took a young man with spina bifida to the theater. He was very keen to go but his carers were saying that there was no transport. I offered to take him in my car which meant lifting him out of the wheelchair and placing him in the front passenger seat. It didn't occur to me that he had a bag and that the bag might be full. I squashed it; it burst and went all over us both. We had a good laugh about it and just managed to get cleaned up and get to the theatre in time. Sometimes these embarrassing catastrophies can be really educational experiences as well as 'pleasant'/ amusing memories for later. Best wishes Bill
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Jan 23, 2013 6:41 pm
omg thats pretty bad too lol glad i could put a smile on your face :)
ron in mich
Jan 24, 2013 4:27 pm
so then you are all that and a bag of chips, i knew it from the smile. ron
Monsieur Le President
Jan 24, 2013 7:32 pm
We all hate Ryanair.As we landed at Carcassonne airport I stood up in the aisle ( wearing shorts ) the clip cam off my bag deposited the contents on the plane floor so that all passengers leaving the plane traipsed through it. I was terrifyingly, hideously embarrassed locked myself in the toilet until the plane was empty I tidied myself up.Only now can I think well that's what I think of Ryanair anyway

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Past Member
Feb 23, 2013 11:05 pm
I must remember that question! Bag of Chips??? Don't discard your dress because an outline cane be seen, so what anyway. I have seen much worse outlines. From your avatar alagalo you look to be a very nice young woman. That is enough just be yourself. We all go to the loo some of us differently to others. I have heard it said many times, better a bag than a box.Doug